Page 35 of Killian

It took what felt like a lifetime before the door was opened. In burst Callum, one of Conor’s men. He ran for me, putting his gun down on the ground before he cut my ropes loose. I slumped on the chair, pulling my aching arms into my lap.

“I’m dust,” I said to him. It amazed me how weak I sounded.

“I’ve got you.”

He grabbed his gun and handed it to me before he wrapped one of my arms around his neck. I could feel my ribs pulling with the movement but it was the only way I was getting out of here. My little brother had come to save the day.

I was never going to live this down.

Callum grabbed his other gun and shot at anyone who moved in front of us. As he dragged me out of the hell hole I had been in. Callum leaned me up against a wall close to the door and ran back to grab something. I was righting myself when I saw through the window that some were fleeing.

I hobbled over to the window and opened it just as I saw a familiar face getting into a car.

Fucking Ronan O’Brien.

No fucking shit. I pulled my arm up and armed the gun, taking a shot at the door he was holding. He dodged it and got in the car as it was taking off down the street.


If my ribs and arms weren’t in so much pain, I would have made that shot and our troubles would be over.

Conor ran to my side and helped me out to the car.

“You good?” he asked me, looking down at me as I sat in the backseat.

“Yeah, get me home.”

Conor nodded and I felt the darkness of sleep take me as I laid down.

* * *


A knock on the door startled me awake and I grabbed my gun on my nightstand. Slowly the door opened and I saw Teeghan’s red hair poke around the corner.

“Just me.”

I lowered the gun and edged up on the bed, holding my aching ribs in the process.

“Don’t exert yourself,” she said. “I come bearing gifts.”

She handed me a bottle of whiskey.

I smirked over at her and took it gratefully. “Don’t think the doc wants me to drink this.”

“What he doesn’t know, can’t hurt him.”

I cracked the bottle open and took a big swig. The amber liquid burned as it went down my throat. Ahhh, I was home.

“How did Conor know?”

“The idiots who took you sent Liam and Jimmy’s bloodied bodies back to us with a note. We traced it to the place they had you.”

“It wasn’t an accident. They wanted you to find me. They knew I wouldn’t crack and if they killed me, then they would face the wrath of Lorcan and Conor.”

Teeghan nodded. “They were mad as hell. I’ve never seen them fly off the rails like that.”

“We would do anything for any of our brothers. We just don’t talk about it.”