Page 34 of Killian

“And why are you here and not the man I need to speak with?”

“I’m guessing you were led here for a reason and that’s probably because all of our businesses are connected to him.”

I was getting tired of the run around. “This guy doesn’t know anything.”

Liam and I pushed out of the booth but before we could go, I felt someone behind us. Turning, I saw the fist only moments before it hit me in the side of the head and the world turned upside down.

* * *

The roomI was in when I came to was dimly lit, just one lightbulb hanging on a long cord from the ceiling like every bad interrogation movie out there. The side of my head ached and my body was stiff. I wondered how long I had been here.

I took in the room, Liam and Jimmy were nowhere to be seen, nor was anyone else. I was tied to a chair, and the ropes were pretty tight. Any movement caused a sharp friction over the skin of my wrists.

I was about to call out when the door opened and the same blond haired fucker from before stepped inside.

“Oh good, you’re awake. I was starting to think I was going to need to torture you awake.”

“You have no idea the wrath that’s going to beat down your door if you don’t release us.”

“I wouldn’t worry so much,” Lawrence said. “Your men are gone and I know you told your brothers you would be gone for a few days so we have that at least.”

My rage mounted. I knew what he meant by my men were gone. It would be the same thing I would do if I were in his position. I’d worked with Liam and Jimmy for years now. Never did I think I’d come here and lose my men.

“What do you want with me?”

“Nothing, really. I didn’t even know you were an issue until recently.”

“Who the fuck do you work for?” I asked through grit teeth.

“I’m pretty sure you know I’m not going to tell you. Look, I don’t want to keep torturing you. You’re going to lose your family empire, I feel like that’s bad enough. You just need to stay here until we can lure your brothers out here.”

I could only imagine what they had planned for us but what they didn’t know was we had a long standing tradition that there was always one O’Farrell in Ireland. They’d never get what they wanted.

That’s when it hit me.

How did he know my brothers thought I would be gone for days? The only way he could know that is if either Jimmy or Liam told him or if we had a mole in our house. I knew Jimmy and Liam wouldn’t say shit, especially if they knew they would die, so that meant my brothers were in danger and I had no way of letting them know.




The fist came toward my cheek again, this time though my face moved to the side. Blood was dripping down into my eyes with every movement. This fucker had been working me over for the past thirty minutes. I didn’t know how long I had been here but it had to be days by now. My brothers would be suspicious I hadn’t returned and probably would come down here.

That’s the last thing that needed to happen. If they had all three of us, Ireland could be easily taken. It was a long standing tradition that Ireland was never without an O’Farrell. I could only hope one of them stayed behind.

“You are a tough bugger, aren’t ya?” the guy who had been torturing me for the past day or so said. He had a rich Manchurian accent and I could tell he wasn’t too bright. Lawrence hadn’t been around, so I could only assume he was conducting business while he had me hostage.

That just fucking annoyed me.

“Come on, mate,” he said, punching me in the ribs again. At least a couple of them had to be broken by now but I wasn’t going to let this fucker know. “Give me something to give those fuckers.”

I sat myself back up on the chair, the ropes tying my hands behind me were rubbing into my skin. I could feel the burn of the rope in my opened wounds.

“Shit, wish you were on our side,” he said before he left the room. I hissed as I breathed, knowing he was gone. The pain from my ribs was intense, and my breathing was shallow. If I didn’t get help soon, I knew I was a goner.

A loud sound thundered through the room from outside. Men were shouting, shots were ringing out. I tried to rub my ropes loose but it was only causing even more pain.