Page 27 of Killian

This had to have been a plan for the last couple of months. She’d not be able to pull this off in just a few weeks. What the hell had twisted in that girl’s brain for her to do this?

Sloane wanted no part of my world and here she was twisted all up in it.


I knew better. I should have stayed away. I should have let her get on with her life.

But something inside of me knew there was no way I could let her walk away again, not this time.


My head was throbbingwhen I opened my eyes. I prayed it wasn’t one of my silent migraines. They were the actual worst and I was pretty sure I had packed away my Nurofen already. My surroundings were different, and for a brief moment, I failed to remember where I was.

That’s when it hit me. I put my hand up to my head and felt the bump and the crusted blood from where Amity had split me open with the butt of the gun when I had tried to pounce on her once she’d opened the trunk to let me out.

I had no idea how long I’d been out or where I was, but I knew it had to be far away from home. There was no way she would risk keeping me in a town run by the O’Farrell’s.

I got off the bed and looked around. The room was furnished, as if this was an actual house and not some run down abandoned shack. She was hiding me in plain sight.

The windows were bordered up, but there was a sliver or two through the boards she had nailed into the wall. There was just enough sunlight to tell me it was day.

I groaned as I sat back down on the bed. There was no way I could get out of this on charm alone. I needed to find out what she wanted so I could survive. I’d watched true crime documentaries. I knew the reason people didn’t blindfold you.

Waiting was not exactly my strong suit, and I was desperate to find a way to get back home.

“Amity,” I called out, banging on the back of the door. “Amity, come in here. I want to talk.”

I stepped back, wondering if she would try and knock me out again. She unlocked the door and stepped inside, closing it behind her. I noted it was still unlocked but instead focused on her.

“It took you long enough to wake up,” she said. “Sit down. We have things to talk about. I don’t want to hurt you anymore. It’s not you that I’m angry with.”

“You hate Killian,” I said. “I get it, he can be an asshole, but I don’t see why you need me?”

Amity smiled, but it was almost an evil smile, one with no humor behind it. “I don’t know how someone as intelligent as you are, can fail to see why you’re being used. Surely, you know Killian would do anything for you.”

“That was almost a decade ago, he sleeps his way around Ireland, surely someone else would make a better hostage.”

I was fooling myself. Even I knew Killian never formed attachments, not since me, anyway.

“If you don’t like him, why do you continue to be around him?” Amity asked me.

It was a curious question, one I wish I knew the answer to myself.

“Why do you care if you hate him?” I diverted the attention back to her.

Amity moved over to me, until she was face to face with me. I could see the dark eyes, the emotionless gaze she was giving me. It gave me chills.

She was no longer the girl I knew in school, she was a complete stranger and she was holding me hostage over some kind of feud with the O’Farrell’s. Knowing how most of the O’Farrell’s friends and family ended up, I knew I was a dead girl, all I could do was hope I could talk her out of it.

“Look, Amity, please, maybe I can help you. I can talk to them. You tell me what you want, and I’ll get them to give it to you.”

“You still don’t get it,” she said, shaking her head. I was trying to figure out what there was to get but before I could do that, I felt her hand come flying across the side of my face. The whack took me to my knees, the side of my face that was hit was burning with pain. “You’re not here because I hate him. You’re here because you’re in the way.”

She left the room, slamming the door shut and locking it again. I felt dizzy as I pulled myself up using the bedpost until I was sitting on the edge of the bed.

What the hell?

How the hell had I gotten it so wrong? Amity didn’t hate him. She liked him and she wanted him all to herself. I had a pained feeling shoot across my chest at the thought. The last time that had happened was just after we broke up and I saw him with another girl.