Page 13 of Killian

“Who is he?”

“Oh shut up,” I shot at her. “You know I don’t have time for that.”

“Please,” she sighed, and lounged back in her chair. “You’ve all the time in the world. Whatever have you been doing down in that cottage for so long?”

“Packing it up,” I told her. Her expression changed to one of curiosity.

She sat forward. “Really? You’re going to sell it?”

I nodded. “Would that upset you?”

“No,” she said quickly. “You’ve needed to move on for ages now. Do you need help? I could come down and help you.”

“I appreciate the offer, honey, but I need to do it myself.”

Tee nodded, understanding. I also didn’t want her to find any knick knacks I hadn’t gotten rid of from Killian. I didn’t think I could explain that to her, after all, she was Sean’s sister. I couldn’t even explain it to myself.

“What did you and Conor do last night?” I asked her as our food arrived.

“We went to the club,” she said. “DJ Shamrox was playing.”


Tee rolled her eyes. “God, only the biggest DJ in Ireland, of course.”

She was mocking me, I could tell. She didn’t care an iota for DJ’s, but I had no doubt someone of that caliber would be playing there. That club had been a thriving success since Killian took it over.

“Do you remember when we snuck in there just before we turned 18?” I recalled, with a chuckle. It had been before Killian took over from his father, and had been a miserable club. Hardly anyone went there, and those that did, were always criminals.

“Oh god, don’t remind me. I’m pretty sure I drank my weight in vodka and needed a stomach pump.”

I remembered the call to her father from the hospital and wanting to high tail it out of there before he got there. Instead, Sean had turned up to rescue his little sister before their parents found out.

That had been the night I’d met him.

“Good times.”

“Not, good times, Sloane.”

I laughed as I dug into my omelet.

“We hung with Killian most of the night anyway,” she said. Just the sound of his name had my heart hammering in my chest. “Well, after we caught him kicking a naked girl out of the room.”

Tee was laughing at the memory as my heart began to throb, a sharp pain shooting across my chest. I knew he was a slut, sleeping his way through Ireland’s women, but hearing about this naked girl had me feeling sick to the stomach.

Especially after the near miss a few days ago.

That should be enough to make me steer clear of him, but I knew better. I knew my heart wasn’t going to be content until it was broken once again.

And by Killian of all people.

“Are you okay?” Teeghan asked.

“Yes, why?”

“You look a little pale,” she said.

“I’m just over cleaning,” I lied. “I’ll be good in a few days when I’m done.”