“Endorphins make an excellent painkiller.”

“Hmm, good point,” he said. “Don’t feel bad about losing Renard. We’ll find out whoProteusis sooner or later. He’s on every worldwide agency’s watch list.”

Eden licked her lips and debated whether or not to pass along the information she had. He was her partner. Now her husband. And it wasn’t that she didn’t trust him. She trusted him with her life. But her Mossad training ran deep, and she wasn’t used to sharing viable information. She wasn’t used to having a partner, period.

Before she could change her mind, she decided to tell him what she’d learned. “I’ve got a contact from back home. He thinks he’s got a line on the identity ofProteus,and I’ve been waiting for him to get in touch.”

Jonah’s brows shot up. “Really? How did he get close enough to get an identity? Can your informant be trusted?”

“Shai isn’t Mossad, but he works special assignments on occasion for the Israeli government as a contractor. He told me he set a trap forProteus.You know how we have that partial recording ofProteus’svoice talking to Renard?”

Jonah nodded. “Right, but the voice was distorted.”

“Shai is a genius with computers. He didn’t care about the voice. He wanted to use the partial set of numbersProteusgave to Renard for payment. Shai was able to use those numbers to find the account. And from there he said it was simple to lay a trap. The next timeProteusgets online, Shai will have his identity.”

“Very clever of your friend. Good work,” he said, nodding approvingly.

“You’re not angry at me for keeping it from you?”

“Not at all, love. We all have secrets. Secrets are our line of business. But I’m glad you trusted me enough to tell me. You and I are going to be quite a team.” He came toward her and ran his finger down the gentle slope of her jawline. “I knew you’d be mine from the moment I saw you.”

“Liar,” she said, laughing. “You told me I wouldn’t last two days under your training. I believe you also told me there was no place for beauty queens in espionage. I was never a beauty queen, by the way.”

“You and that memory of yours. You never forget anything,” he said, grinning. “And it looks like I was wrong. You lasted more than two days. Now I can’t imagine my life without you in it. My wife.”

He leaned down and kissed her softly and she felt her heart sigh. She’d never been in love before, and the feeling was both euphoric and terrifying at the same time. She would go to the ends of the earth for this man. Die for him.

“I’m going to get in the shower,” he said. “Care to join me?”

“As tempting as that is, I’m not moving from this spot until morning. I’m exhausted. And I’m not sure my legs are ready for walking.”

He kissed her again and moved toward the bathroom. “You do excellent things for a man’s ego, love. When should your friend have a lockdown onProteus?”

“The last I heard from him was the day before we went in for Renard. He said he thought he’d have it within forty-eight hours.”

“Excellent. You sure you don’t want to join me? I’m feeling very…rejuvenated all of a sudden.”

“Yes, I can see that,” she said, laughing again. “Why don’t you come back here instead?”

“You’re a temptress, Agent Kane. But I’m made of stronger stuff than that.”

He closed the bathroom door behind him, and Eden snuggled down in the covers as the shower turned on. She smiled as she heard him whistling. The man loved to whistle, especially while they were prepping for a job. It was his thinking mechanism, and she knew once he started whistling she needed to be quiet and let him ponder through possibilities. It was just one of the quirks they’d learned about each other over their time together.

She marveled at the complex creature he was. She’d heard him whistle everything from Metallica to Tchaikovsky. He was currently whistling the theme toRaiders of the Lost Ark, making her chuckle. Someone was feeling adventurous.

Wasn’t that what love was? Learning each other’s idiosyncrasies—likes and dislikes—how to read each other so you knew what your partner wanted without him having to ask?

Her phone buzzed again, but she was lost in her thoughts. She never thought a relationship would be something she could have. She’d been trained from her twelfth year for Mossad, and then at eighteen she’d been selected for the eliteKidon.She’d known nothing else. Her future had been determined for her, and she’d always accepted it as it was. There had been no time for dating or thoughts of marriage and family. Only the job.

But Jonah Salt had taken what she’d known and turned it upside down. He’d been her trainer, her friend, and her lover. And now they had to pray that the agency didn’t reassign them to opposite sides of the globe in retaliation to their union.

Maybe they needed to keep the secret to themselves awhile longer. Discretion was key and secrets were second nature. Her training had been ingrained and extensive. She could keep her emotions to herself—she’d never cried out once when she’d been tortured by her Syrian captors. And she’d carry the scars on her back and torso forever. But they certainly hadn’t bothered Jonah. He had his own share of scars. The scars were just part of who he was, just as hers were part of who she was.

She propped up on her elbow when he came out of the bathroom. A towel was slung low on his hips and droplets of water clung to his skin. He’d shaved and his hair was slicked back from his face.

“It’s dangerous to keep looking at me like that, love.”

“It’s dangerous to make threats if you don’t intend to follow through,” she said, her voice low and seductive.