That predicament would cause some issues. Then, if we added Ash to the ordeal, E.Z. and I would have some explaining to do.
We also needed to discuss why I could feel E.Z. so keenly. Because that wasn’t normal. Even now, I could feel his eyes on me even though I wasn’t looking at him. I could feel his concern for me and his discomfort with me standing so close to Milo. I turned, and our eyes clashed and held, the room disappearing as my attention was swallowed by the possession in E.Z.’s gaze. My breath was stolen by the heat radiating out of him as he felt my body react to that claim.
I missed whatever Milo was saying about how the maps had changed over time. I forced myself to pay attention when he explained how Fire Region kept growing and taking over more areas of the Kingdom.
“As you can see, this map was drawn differently than the original right after the Great War. The capital did not exist but is now included in the Fire territory. They also included the grasslands and the Goddess’ Forest in Fire, which was originally neutral.”
I tried to enthusiastically gobble up everything he was teaching me, clarifying when things contradicted my previous knowledge of the kingdom, though I only half managed. E.Z. was silently demanding my attention.
I don’t think it was anything he did intentionally, either. It was just his presence. It made me more aware of my body. The way I leaned onto the table spread my shirt buttons wide, giving him a glance down my cleavage and pebbling my nipples. When we compared the original maps from today, my backside was pointed towards him, showing off the curve of my hips.
At one point, I looked over my shoulder at E.Z., finding his heated gaze exactly where I expected it to be, roving over the curve of my ass. When his eyes shot up to catch mine, I sent him a shy smile under my lashes and returned my attention to Milo as best I could, feeling E.Z.’s excitement at my intended challenge.
Eventually, the conversation moved to a more detailed discussion about the cause behind the loss of our magic. This was when my capital-ingrained ideals became more apparent. I tried to keep an open mind, but it was harder to let go of things I’d been told my whole life by every tutor I’d ever had.
“The villages don’t have proper Claiming ceremonies like the capital. The unions at the capital are blessed by the Elders, as is written in scripture. This will obviously create stronger offspring.”
Milo barked out a laugh. “None of that is written in the original scripture. Not the version the first priestess transcribed by hand with the blessing of the Goddess, or the amendments added over the years by future generations of powerful Spirit Users who joined the temples.” Milo’s brows drew together. “But okay, let’s assume she’s punishing us, and the most powerful Spirit Users of their time were all wrong about the Goddess. Why would she only punish the people and not their leaders? Would our Goddess not also punish those who rewrote her scripture for their own greed? The Elders are locked within the capital, and only the elite have access. ‘For their safety.’ ‘To protect them from the people who destroyed the original temples.’ Commoners can’t afford the cost of an audience, even if they were allowed access to the elders in order to perform the ceremonies. Does that sound like our righteous Goddess to you? Punishing someone who is not at fault? No.”
“The capital uses arranged marriages to preserve their magic,” I insisted. “Something the villagers scoff at. It could just be that it works. It keeps them strong.”
“You think that’s what the Goddess intended when she gifted her magic? For only the elite to prosper?” Milo added for consideration. “She wants her people to work together. Fire is strong while everyone else suffers. The kings have failed us either way.”
Milo leveled me with a look.
“Your father was working to find proof that the power is being stolen, that it’s not occurring naturally. That there is no curse. He, like I, believed greed is destroying this kingdom once again, just like at the start of the Great War. A very credible source has indicated that the king and council are involved. Naturally, Eryk investigated. He found that the council, who were supposed to fix the magic, were taking it instead. People were suffering, and the greed of the council made it worse. It’s what Eryk was working on the night he was accused of trying to execute the king. He thought he’d found the proof of their deception and possibly a way to stop it.”
I stood there in stunned silence as Milo continued.
“The plan was for us to attack the capital, drawing the guards away so he could break into the council chamber office, believing that the information he needed could be found within. And potentially the means to stop them. I reached out that night, letting him know we were ready to move and it was time to act.”
“Wait!” I practically screamed, realization slamming into me. “Did you write him a note? Something about how the time is tonight?”
“Yes. I delivered a note to Eryk as we agreed when I was ready to move. As you know, things did not work out as we hoped. But we will not allow his death to be in vain; we will not give up. We will figure out how to stop them and find a way to fix this country, expose the capital for the corrupt thieves they are, and restore Adaria back to its former glory.”
“So, Father didn’t try to kill the king that night?” I breathed. My mind was spinning with this new information, but one fact shone through. He’d never said Father went to kill the king.
“That I cannot say,” Milo hedged, eyes sullen. “I do not believe it was his intention going into the night.
Milo nodded, smiling his obnoxious fucking, overly affectionate and welcoming smile. The one he kept flashing at my girl, and she kept returning. No one is that friendly and welcoming.
He pushed his power out at me, overtaking my senses like a damn skunk stink. He was one of the most potent Water Users I’d ever met and was peacocking galore, wanting to get a rise out of me. It was bullshit if Milo thought I couldn’t see through his offense. He was purposefully egging me on and deserved to lose a few teeth.
I’d use my fist since it would be more satisfying than my power. Watching my fist break through that fucking ‘look at me with my shiny silver hair and sparkly eyes’ smile would be as satisfying for me as it would be painful, hopefully, for Milo. I was worried maybe his teeth had magic powers. Kaia had an affection for his teeth. Or his face. Whatever. The guy had great teeth.
This is why I needed my men. Since forming our team and somehow bonding with each person separately—forming a circle of sorts with one person from each element—we hadn’t done many missions alone. I could really use their opinions.
Through our link, we knew each other's thoughts and intentions. We were able to act almost instinctively, like we were extensions of each other, collectively using our gifts to complete a mission. By communicating silently, we could judge a situation together. Yet, we never needed a moment alone to discuss—not until the damn Spirit User came, and we were forced to block. We usually left out connection wide open.
Griff would be here grumbling in my head to shut up and calm down with a well-placed piece of blunt advice that I couldn’t even argue with. Griff may not say much, but when he did, he was usually right. Ash would be taking control and giving me a chance to fucking think. Aiden would have been throwing facts at us that we could use to better figure out the situation. And there was a lot to infer here. I made us all the better by knowing me and breaking up some of their asshole tendencies. They could all be dicks. Not me, though. This was why we all made a great team.
When mom died, I was eight, and my brother, Luca, was two. Father told me not to raise my brother to be like I was– a good-for-nothing flirt who can't do shit but swing around his dick. Yes, I was eight. And no, that was not me at all. I hadn’t swung my dick once at that point. And it doesn't swing that much now. It's very thick and does precisely what I tell it to. It's really only swinging at the weirdest of times. And fuck you, Dad.
So, I’d made it my life’s mission to be really good at certain things. No, they’re not all dick related. I learned how to annoy my dad without effort. I also strived to make everyone love me. I didn’t need to do that anymore and had since realized he’d probably lashed out in grief.