“This is good news. Out-of-town visitors would normally draw speculation and curiosity, but a fair would draw all manner of folk from all the regions. No one will notice who is coming and going with this much excitement. It will help us blend in. It’s probably why the rebels arranged the meeting the way they did.” E.Z. steered the horse towards the stable right before the road closures. “The Whispering Oaks Inn is in the middle of the town center, so we must stow the horses and walk. But we have plenty of time.” E.Z. looked to the sky, gaging the direction of the sun. It looked to be late morning. “Ten hours, minimum, before we receive word of the meeting. Someone will come to our room after sundown.”

After handing the horse to a steward, paying, and collecting our bags, E.Z. grabbed my hand and herded us toward the door. He pulled us around the side of the stable, hiding us in the shadows away from the crowd of out-of-town visitors needing a place for their mounts. He released my hand when my back was pressed to the wooden wall and leaned in.

“The fair may help us blend in, but it will also be harder to spot an enemy,” E.Z. spoke softly, leaning close so he wouldn’t be overheard. His breaths danced over my face and lips. “I need you to stay close to me. I will protect you, but I need you to follow my lead. Am I clear?” E.Z.'s eyes flickered back and forth between mine.

I nodded in understanding, liking this assertive, commanding E.Z. almost as much as the flirty, charming version I’d gotten to know.

E.Z.’s voice took on a deep rumble when he was being assertive. It took him from alluring to dangerous quite quickly. I could handle enchanting. I could shake off harmless flirting as a joke or game, even if it made my heart flutter. It was much harder to shake off the rumble of E.Z.’s command as it took me hostage.

E.Z. leaned forward, his mouth inches from my ear. “And we need to be in character. We are a joined couple on a date at a fair. You love how fresh the goods are, and I love to give you everything you want and shower you with all my affection. My beautiful Claimed.”

I nodded again, swallowing. I couldn’t say anything with E.Z. this close to me. His breath was warm against my neck. I could barely think.

“I will need to touch you as your Keeper.” E.Z. leaned back and took in my expression. His face was so close to mine. So close. His smell was taking over my senses. Snow and soap. Clean. Fresh. “I will be respectful but more liberal with my attention than normal. Do you trust me?”

I nodded.

E.Z.’s eyes bore into mine. “Say it.”

This was important to him. That conversation with Elijah was still bothering him.

“I trust you.” And I realized that I did. I trusted him completely. “You can touch me. You won’t hurt me.”

I wanted him to touch me. I was eager for him to touch me. Goddess, touch me already.

“Promise me you will say something if you’re uncomfortable.” E.Z. stared at me, not backing down until I relented. His usually carefree expression was replaced with unease. His brows were pinched, and his jaw hard.

“I promise.”

E.Z.'s gaze roamed my face, hesitant and lacking his usual confidence. I gave him a small smile.

“E.Z., don’t listen to Elijah.” I didn’t want Elijah’s cruel words to make this awkward or uncomfortable for E.Z.. I took his hand and brought it to my face, laying the back of his palm against my cheek to show him I welcomed his touch.

“I don’t think Elijah meant anything by that. He’s just….” I trailed off, looking over E.Z.’s shoulder. I didn’t know how to explain my relationship with Elijah. “… well, you know him. He’s always been very overprotective. I trust you.”

E.Z. searched my eyes for a few moments before nodding and standing tall. “Keep your hood over your hair. One less way to recognize you.”

E.Z. waited for me to comply, grabbed my hand again, and started towards town.

While E.Z. tugged me towards the fair, he played tour guide.

“There’s the tavern.” E.Z. threw his arm around my waist, pulling me against his side, and gestured at a deli. There was a sign advertising that their cheese was fresh. It made me somewhat hesitant to eat anything in town. Except maybe the cheese because it’s fresh. Today.

It was bizarre.

“Do most people usually like meat with their alcohol?” I asked E.Z..

E.Z. grinned down at me and squeezed me tighter against his side. It took all my effort to ignore the heat and hardness of his side against mine and how his fingers encircled my hip, lightly gripping. Five points of pressure I could feel all over.

“I can’t speak to all meat; Kaia Meatloaf, but my meat goes with anything.” E.Z. punctuated his grin with a wink.

“I don’t know about all that,” I said, holding back a laugh. I referenced a sign near the door. “They have fresh cheese. It’s fresh, E.Z.. Today. I don’t know if your meat can compete. That’s hard to beat,”

I rhymed. I rhymed about cheese to a man I was trying to flirt with. Shoot me now.

When I looked up at E.Z., his grin grew and overtook his entire face. He tapped my nose. “Kaia Steak with Honied Gravy, I have a feeling this is going to be a great day. Come on,” he chuckled, pulling me forward again, crossing the barricade into the fair.

I didn’t look at E.Z., not wanting him to see how much my face was trying to smile. It would only encourage him. I tightened my lips, ducked my head, and let him lead.