“You have nothing to worry about.” A soft smile graced Griffin's lips as he bent to catch my eye.

“I just need today. Give me today.”

There was no choice in telling them. River had just informed them. If they all reacted like Griffin, I would be relieved they knew. Relieved I had someone to confide in and possibly help me find answers.

But I needed a moment to think away from the guys. Being pulled into their orbit overwhelmed me and fried my brain. I struggled to speak in complete sentences when they were around, let alone think. I did things and said things that I was not proud of. I was not a simperer. I was not a flirt.

He nodded. “But that’s not what I needed to talk about.”


“Sorry to interrupt,” River chirped, appearing by my side.

“Oh. Hi, River.” I wasn’t feeling particularly welcoming, but I pasted a smile on my face. “Care to join us?”

She giggled and shook her head, declining my invitation with a wide smile. “No. I brought clothes for you. Ash said you may want to get changed. I figured I should interrupt and offer.”

She sent Elijah a flirty side eye at the mention of his name, which made me clench my teeth.

“Yes. Please. I would love new clothes. Thank you so much.” My smile was probably more of a sneer at this point, but I did my best to plaster on a genuine one as a thank-you for her offer. I wanted nothing more than to be clean at that moment. I sent a sheepish grin to Griff. “Can we talk after?”

Griffin nodded, so I flashed him a thankful smile, wiped my hands on my trousers, and stood to follow River toward her horse.

Elijah handed River a bag as we approached. He didn’t smile at her, but at least he spared her a glance, more than he could say for me. The Elijah from earlier, the one laughing and having fun with River, had been replaced by the version he reserved for me.

“These will be too long and maybe a little snug.” River rummaged in the bag for a minute, pulling out a small pile of garments. “I am much taller and slightly thinner than you, but they’re clean and will fit well enough.” She did a cursory glance over my too-large men's clothes. “It will definitely fit better and flatter you more than all you’ve got going on there.” She didn’t seem to mean anything derogatory with her observations. If anything, she was being clinical.

“Oh, thank the Goddess,” I said, reaching for the bundle. “Is there somewhere I should go to change? Maybe clean up a bit first?”

“Oh yes, Your Highness, we have a spa right over there,” Elijah said, indicating the surrounding woods. “Should I book you an appointment?”

I stilled with my hand outstretched for the clothing. I shouldn’t have been surprised, but I was. I thought we had made progress the night before, but nothing had changed. He still insisted on being an asshole.

River cocked her head and scowled at him. She gathered the clothes and bag under one arm, placing her other hand on her hip.

I cut her off when she opened her mouth to start fighting with Elijah again. She enjoyed it far too much for my liking. I didn’t want to give her more excuses to put herself in his way. I was plenty capable of fighting with that man myself.

I turned, moving a few steps closer to Elijah. “Listen, Ash-hole! For once, shut your mouth! I haven’t taken a bath in over a week.” I poked him hard in the chest with my finger for emphasis. “For five of those days, I slept on a filthy cot with a mattress covered in suspicious stains.” I poked him again. “In an outfit stained with my own blood and whatever else.” Poke. “In a cell that smells worse than the worst outhouse you can imagine. So, excuse me for wanting to clean up.”

Elijah's eyes darkened as he looked at a point behind my head, his jaw pulsating, but he said nothing.

I stepped back and sighed. “I do not need a spa, but something as simple as a bucket of water, some soap, and a little privacy would be appreciated.”

“You can’t be alone right now.” Anger was pouring out of his eyes, but his voice was level, emotionless.

“Are you shitting me right now?”

“No, I am not fucking shitting you. Someone else could find you. Or maybe you’ll get lost or trip and freaking fall. Who knows what could happen?”

Elijah’s fingers flexed at his side like he was restraining himself from reaching out and wringing my neck. The stick was shoved so far up his ass that his back was ramrod straight.

Sorry for pissing you off again, Ash-hole. It’s what I do best.

Elijah and I stared at each other for several beats, both of us unwilling to back down first. Saving me hadn’t suddenly earned Elijah the right to treat me poorly; he would figure that out quickly.

River giggled, her musical laughter breaking our standoff. “Wow, this little thing has fire to match you, huh, Ash.” She wore a wide, white-toothed smile and tapped me on the head like an errant child. “I will keep an eye on our little lamb here.”

I shook off her hand, stepping away. “I don’t need anyone to look after me.”