I'd felt odd and out of place when I first arrived with the Rovers, but there had been a comforting sort of chaos in their way of life that made it easier to fit in. They were all outcasts themselves, after all, mismatched odds and ends thrown together to create a pack that lived by its own law.

I shake my head, pushing those thoughts away. There's no sense in regret or nostalgia. This is my home now, and it's more than I ever could have asked for. I have to put the Rovers behind me, if not to protect my own heart, then for the sake of their king. I could never allow myself to endanger Tristan with my curse.

Someone pokes my shoulder rather forcefully, and I jolt, startled.

"Can I have the next dance?" a male voice asks from behind me.

I let out a deep breath before smiling slightly to myself. "Marco, I already told you I'm a terrible dance—"

I nearly choke on my words when I turn around and find that it's not my father standing behind me, extending a hand out to me.

The face is hidden behind a sleek black mask, but I recognize the curly black hair and burly build. I know those brooding grey eyes and the little dimple on that large chin.

It's Mark.

My eyes go wide, and my jaw drops. What is Tristan's Beta doing here?

"Marco?" he repeats the name with a scowl. "No, not quite."

"Close, though," another voice pipes in, and Nico pokes his head out from behind Mark's bulky frame. I gasp.

He wears a dark blue mask that highlights the glint in his eyes, and his messy red hair is not as tousled as usual, as if he's attempted to brush a comb through the ginger mop for the occasion.

"I like the name Marco, don't you?" Nico asks with a grin, glancing over at the very unamused Mark. "It's like your name but fancier. Very classy."

The redhead pushes his way past the Beta, moving towards me with a bright smile that cracks my heart in two. I'm shocked, speechless, overcome by the sight of them, and when Nico pulls me in for a hug, I find myself sagging into his arms, returning his embrace.

"Holy shit," I whisper with a chuckle, a thousand emotions flooding over me. "I can't believe it. I thought I'd never see you again."

Nico pulls away with a look of sheer joy. "Flower girl, did you just curse?" he asks with wicked delight. "Did you hear that, Mark? Our little flower girl learned some bad words while she's been away! These vampires have been a bad influence on you."

I half-giggle, half-sob, still shaken by the surprise of their presence here. I never thought I'd feel so happy to see Mark again, though he certainly doesn't seem happy to see me. The Beta stands with his arms folded over his chest, his ill-fitted suit too tight around those big arms of his.

"Let's hope that's the only influence these bloodsuckers have had on her," he grumbles, and I shake my head in amazement. I still can't believe they're here!

"Look at you, flower," Nico says suddenly, a hint of amazement creeping into his voice. "Red is a good color on you. You look like a proper rose. Tristan would lose his mind if he saw you like this."

I feel my cheeks turn the same shade as my dress, and I take a step back from Nico, trying to gather my thoughts.

"Look at me? Look at the two of you!" I mutter. "How did you even get in here? What are you doing here?"

"I was just about to ask you that very question," Mark replies coldly.

Around us, a few people are looking in our direction, and there are whispers around the grand hall.

"Isn't it obvious?" Nico asks, seemingly oblivious to the increasing number of nightwalkers that are now glancing toward us. "We're here to rescue you."

"Rescue me? No... I'm not..." I shake my head, trying to find the right words, but my heart is pounding in my chest, my head spinning. There are too many questions, too many emotions, too many risks. "How did you even find me?"

"Are you kidding? I'm the fastest scout in Silvertooth Peaks," Nico boasts. "Not to mention the best tracker. I mean sure, Mark and Tristan helped a little, but it was mostly me."

I feel a breath get caught in my throat, and my lips quiver. "Is— is Tristan here?"

"No. I nearly had to tie him up to stop him from coming himself, but Amara finally made him see reason," Mark explains sternly.

I let out a bittersweet sigh, though I cannot tell if it's from relief or disappointment.

"He's the Alpha of the Rovers, and he already stepped into enemy territory once for you," Mark goes on. "He would have done it again if we hadn't talked some sense into him, especially after we realized this isn't an ordinary pack. The last thing we need is to start a war with a secret kingdom of vampires."