Because after they got over their stunned silence—and everyone was equally stunned at the sight of the judges—the second thing they did was try to impress said judges, and it was bad. Very, very bad.

And this wasn’t even who they were as normal people. She found herself running around and doing more damage control than she ever had with them before.

Everyone wanted a piece of them, and it was getting out of hand. But she wasn’t fast enough to stop Maribella from forcing them to sample her preserves. Dread built up inside her as she neared them. She didn’t know what she was going to do if they didn’t pretend to like her preserves.

She opened her mouth to speak. Their gazes draped over her, scorching her soul as they sampled the blobs of sweetness. Maribella looked up at them with the light of a thousand stars shining in her eyes.

Kalista was going to put this down as one of the most unusual events of her life. Stupid tears welled in her eyes as they told the older woman that it was the best they’d ever had.

She couldn’t stop herself from mouthing the words, ‘Thank you.’ But then their attention on her darkened, as if they had done her a favor and were going to somehow extract payment for that favor.

Her nipples sizzled with heat and hardness. And god help her, but her thighs started to feel sleek against each other. She could feel her wetness cling to her folds.

But then suddenly, JT wanted to impress them with how many push-ups he could do. Reggie had to be stopped from showing them his butt where he was convinced an alien had taken a bite out of him, and Debra, well, she just had to be stopped from taking all her clothes off.

Okay, that wasn’t true, but Kalista couldn’t stop being annoyed with her.

Damage control. Now.

She took her phone from her pocket with the intention of calling Celeste. She said she was coming, but she needed to arrive right now. And then, because the universe was on her side, Celeste, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt with her hair in a ponytail, glided toward them.

She was indeed the star of the show. Her calming serenity immediately dispersed and landed on everyone else. Suddenly the ambiance was softer, as if even the moon decided to come out and see her beauty.

Kalista gave her friend a massive smile and then winced for a full five minutes in pain.

And when she finally got to introduce them to Celeste, she understood the world in a heartbeat. Gorgeous people belonged with gorgeous people. And the sight of them—the four of them together—made for a breathtaking panorama of such human beauty that every single other Bloomer looked at them in jaw-dropping awe.

Kalista folded her arms. She knew she picked a winner with Celeste. She had already won the award, trophy, and money for Bloomings Tide with her presence alone.

She nodded surreptitiously to no one in particular. Maybe the feelings of elation would erupt from her once they put on the show, because the unfortunate thing was that a backyard impromptu dinner was not going to cut it if they had to stick with the competition rules. Each town had to present one outstanding event, and given how well she could control the billionaires, they didn’t have much time to put it together the way she had wanted it to.


Kalista tiptoed her way into the kitchen of her house. She had stayed with Celeste last night, and while she had wanted to spend the night talking, the antihistamine knocked her out.

The good thing was that her face was back to normal—well, almost back to normal. She looked entirely less hideous now. After showering and donning another summer dress and heels that she had packed the night before to take with her to Celeste, she put a reminder on her phone to pick up some underwear from Lizzie’s Boutique.

Jennifer had come through for her and brought her the tea early that morning, and now Kalista was in her kitchen brewing the aromatic concoction.

She filled three cups, placed them on matching saucers, put all that on a tray, and went upstairs.

Placing the tray on a side table in the passage, she knocked on the door, and without waiting to be admitted in, she swung the door open and carried in a cup of tea.

Sprawled on his stomach, with only the sheet covering his backside, was the immensely tall and muscular Isaac Glover.

It was just as well that she was all business today, which meant she wasn’t going to be distracted by their good looks. It wasn’t worth it. They were never going to look at her the way they looked at Celeste. Whenever the two of them had been talking, she found the billionaires’ gazes fixed on them, no matter what they were doing themselves or who they were talking to.

Her sole purpose was to win the competition. That was all.

“Good morning, Mr. Glover,” she said jovially, putting the tea down on the table and tapping him on the shoulder.

Her gasp turned into a surprised squeal when a powerful hand caught her wrist and flipped her onto her back beneath him.

The warmth of his body penetrated hers, and it was all she needed to burst into flames.

He had captured both her wrists and pinned them above her head. His thigh slipped in between hers, and were it not for the sheet, there would be nothing between her and his cock.

The sudden swelling of her nipples pained her, as did the ache in her clit.