She was grotesque. Hideous. She looked as if Frankenstein had taken a go at her face and succeeded. She looked like a monster from a B-grade slasher movie.

Oh god.

The stinging in her face had gotten progressively worse as the day advanced, but she had no idea she had swelled to such disturbing proportions when she left the town hall after calling it a day. Had she really swelled up to this on the drive back to her house from the hall? Yes, because someone would have told her something otherwise.

This was what they saw when they looked at her.

How had they not run in the other direction, screaming their heads off?

She was utterly disgusting.

Fudge balls.

It was too late to do anything about it now that the monster had been let out of the bag already. All she could do was just carry on. They were already accustomed to her misshapen face, so that was a good thing. Maybe she did need a doctor. Tomorrow.

Maybe she’d get points from the judges for her passion to see her constituents succeed when she agreed to test Suzanne’s new range of creams.

But the show had to go on. And her face, as bad as it was, was also the least of her problems. Winning the award and everything that went with it were all that mattered. And Celeste was their star; she was just the mediator.

As she removed her panties from under her dress, shocked at how much she had drenched the fabric, she was hit with a new wave of reality check. Well, two waves of reality.

Men like them did not go for women like her. It also didn’t matter that she looked utterly gruesome, macabre, and straight from a horror movie. She could have been in the best shape of her life, and it still wouldn’t matter. Which was fine; her calling was to be the mayor of BT. She didn’t want to be anything else. Love, romance, marriage, and babies were in the cards for her but with a man on her level.

The second thing she re-realized.

She was truly without a single pair of underwear thanks to their schizophrenic goat and would have to spend the night without wearing any.

Again, bottom of the list problem for her, right there with her funny-looking face.

Now she had to take care of the backyard as quietly as she could.

They wouldn’t suspect a thing, she was sure.

Chapter Seven

After getting the backyard to a level of decency and being certain that it just needed people to make it look even better, Kalista breathed a sigh of relief when Jennifer and Tilly pulled up at the back of her house.

She immediately hushed them into whispering.

“Oh my god, Mayor Kalista, your face,” Tilly squealed, taking a step back from her in horror.

“I know. It’s nothing. It’ll clear by tomorrow.” It was actually throbbing the life out of her, but she couldn’t stop to acknowledge the pain. “Did you bring the wine?”

“Yikes, you look horrible, Mayor Kalista.” Jennifer had her go at Kalista’s face. “It wasn’t like that when I saw you, not even an hour ago.”

“Yes,” was all Kalista could say about her face. “Did you bring the wine?”

“Enough to make the whole town drunk, trust me. And I brought snacks. Mrs. Autumn is bringing a few casseroles she just needs to heat up from the freezer. Ruby is bringing ribs. Carly has lasagna. And I lost count of everyone else.”


“Where are they? The judges?” Tilly asked.

“In my living room. I better go back in there. Thank you.”

“We got your back, Mayor Kalista, but that whole situation with your face ... nope. You need to see Doc.”

“Tomorrow. Let’s just get through tonight. Do you have the tea?” She asked softly.