
“Thank you, Jennifer. And don’t forget that your date with Lenny is today. I’ve asked Millie to make her special lover’s pie. You’re the best, and I hope you and Lenny make a good life together.” She disconnected the call before she started crying. But she made her bed, and now she had to sleep in it.

She knew why this was happening to her. The Chapman curse was alive and well, and it resided in her as well, despite her determination and all her efforts to break free of it.

Oh, and if that weren’t bad enough, she was going to go down in history as the worst one of them all because no one before her had ever slept with the judges.

Trust her to go down with a sex scandal.

Oh god.

She slept with the judges. All three of them. Pretty much at the same time. Never mind the history books. She was going to go down in the record-breaking books as well.

Her phone rang, and it was an unknown number.

“Hello,” she said tentatively.

“Kalista.” Trey’s commanding voice heated her up from the other side of the line.

“This is all my fault. I’m going to take full blame. You have nothing to worry about.” She disconnected the call and then threw her phone on the bed. It rang again and again.

Text messages beeped nonstop. She couldn’t afford to have any contact with them at all.

She needed to make a full apology to her people. She had let them down so horribly. What was wrong with her? All she ever wanted was to be a good mayor. All she ever did was be a bad mayor.

She stepped into the shower while tears rolled down her face because she had no idea what to do with her life now. After she resigned, that is, because she had to resign. That was the right thing to do.

She was going to lose the best job she ever had, and it was all her fault.

And her heart. She had lost her whole heart in a matter of days to three men who were so far out of her league; she was a nobody. And that was all.

After she resigned, she was going to take some time off. Her dad had left her a cabin in the mountains. It was the perfect place for her to hide out in shame.

Well, she finally got to wear her formal black skirt, white chiffon sleeveless blouse, and blazer, she thought sadly. A fresh rush of tears spilled all over her face, so she gave herself one minute to suck it up before she put on some makeup and tied her hair into a neat bun.

Her phone hadn’t stopped ringing, and from the previews, she knew it was Trey, Isaac, and Chance trying to speak to her. What were they going to say to her anyway? No, she had to fix things with her constituents, resign, and go off-grid.

After writing out her resignation letter, because they deserved something personal, she slipped into her high heels and drove herself to the town hall.

She had no idea how she made it to stand at the head of the table, facing the people who were her family, each and every one of them.

“As you know, there’s a rumor going around that I may have had … relations with the judges for the Theresa Ingram Tarrington-Smith Small Town of Excellence Award. I’m here to inform you that those are not rumors. I have had … relations with the judges. It was one time, but it was wrong and unprofessional. You have my—”

“I’m confused. What relations? Mike Springs is saying you did the dirty with the judges,” JT said. “Don’t know if Jennifer told you, but we can—”

“No, JT. I had ... I had sexual relations with the judges.”

“All three of them, dear?” Mrs. Autumn asked politely.

“Yes. All three of them.”

“At the same time?” Maribella wanted to know. They were not going to let her get off the hook easily. She pursed her lips.

“Yes. All three judges. All at the same time.” She was so red, she could feel the heat from her cheeks sear her eyes. But the complete silence wrecked her completely.

Chapter Thirteen

“You had one job to do. Judge a small-town contest. That was all. But what did you three end up doing?”