Making sure her friend had everything she needed plus more, she drove to the town hall and informed every one of the change of plan and what was going to happen next. Thankfully, they agreed with her.

Celeste was meant to wear a short nightie-style dress that hugged her body but was stretchy enough to give her room to swing around the pole. Mrs. Autumn had made it look threadbare with blotches of paint to indicate that it was dirty because she was cleaning the house.

Kalista tied her hair up in a scarf, and everyone helped her secure it to her head. She found a mask that covered her face enough that from the audience, no one knew it was her.

The hall started to fill with people. The actors took their places. The judges arrived, and her body sparked to life. She doused that immediately. They were there for Celeste. And only her. So, it didn’t matter what she did on stage; she just had to pretend to be Celeste.

The music started. Lines were misread. She tried to dance around the pole but knew if they knew it was her, they would be completely disappointed, and they would also be laughing their heads off at her attempts to be seductive.

And then the craziest, most heartbreaking thing she had ever experienced happened.

Chapter Eleven

Kalista looked around her in confusion. This wasn’t supposed to happen, and yet it was happening right before her eyes.

Trey, Isaac, and Chance had stood up and ordered every single person out of the town hall. She couldn’t believe the amount of authority they exercised to clear an entire hall of spectators and actors alike.

And when it was only her on the stage and them in the audience, they asked her to continue dancing.

She felt sick.

Tears stung her eyes.

They wanted a private show from Celeste, and it made perfect sense in every way.

Heaving and suddenly confused at her anger, she started to dance. Swaying her body to the beats of the dance song. She had taken a couple of belly dancing classes with Celeste years ago. It was all she knew how to do.

And then she stopped because she couldn’t do this anymore.

“We’re taking you home.” Trey’s voice broke through her.

Oh god. They still thought she was Celeste.

Slowly, she undid the scarf from her hair until it cascaded down her back. She removed the mask.

“I’m not Celeste.” Her thick, tear-stained voice quivered. Standing on the stage and feeling so wretched she wanted the earth to swallow her up.

“You think we didn’t know that from the moment our gazes fell on you, Small Town?” Chance reached the stage, hopped on with easy litheness, and then scooped her up in his arms.

Her confusion silenced her as they drove her home. What was happening? Were they sparing her from further humiliation? Her throat had thickened with tears, but she needed to be alone to cry and she was too tired to fight them.

Instead, she was carried upstairs to her bedroom and placed in the middle of the room.

“I’m sorry I lied again. I’m sorry you thought I was Celeste, but she’s sick with the flu. And—”

She gasped in shock as they charged toward her. And then her breath came tumbling out of her as they kissed her. First Trey, then Isaac, then Chance. Then Isaac, then Chance, then Trey. Over and over.

She was passed around between them repeatedly. She could feel her lips start to swell, but that only made her cling to them more. Desperate to feel their rough brand on her mouth, she hoped they would forever change her, so it was only their lips she needed.

When they allowed her air, she apologized again for not being Celeste, for trying to trick them and they in turn answered by biting her lips until she squealed before they told her she was exactly whom they wanted.

No one else but her.

Maybe she was only hearing what she wanted to hear. Maybe they hadn’t said anything at all. Either way, she needed this.

She needed them.

What they had shown her before ignited a dark, deviant hunger in her that scared her.