Dear god, help her.

Chance slipped his index finger between her legs. He glided it over her slippery, swollen clit.

“Open your eyes, Small Town. If you don't, I’m going to have to find a different way to punish you. Maybe with my index finger in your tight, sweet, pretty little rosebud of an ass back there.”

She whipped her eyes open immediately.

“That’s it. Now, keep those gorgeous gold orbs on me. I want to see what happens to your eyes when you come. You will come for me, won’t you, Small Town, because you don’t want me to stretch your ass, do you?”

She was depraved. Hopeless. She should be flogged because it was exactly Chance’s dirty, forbidden words that opened a river of fresh arousal in her.

“You’re just a soaking wet, hot mess, aren’t you, pretty girl?” He lazily rubbed his fingertip against her clit, then stopped. “Now move. I want to see you fuck my fingertip Kalista until you come all over it.”

She shook her head. It was too much. She didn’t want them to see her at her most vulnerable.

But she couldn’t stop herself. She had to feel Chance against her, and the only thing she could do was press her pussy against him.

She rubbed her clit up and down his calloused fingertip. Her body, on cue, knew what it had to do, and suddenly she was cascading into the darkness. Tears rolled down her face because she didn’t dare blink. Every emotion she was worth was on display for them. She felt nothing of herself to hide behind.

“Exquisite,” Chance said, taking his finger from her and sucking the whole of his digit into his mouth.

Wading through everything that had happened to her, she found the bag of thoughts she had left in a safe place before they touched her.

She had done something wrong. And this was their way of punishing her.

It meant nothing else except that the slate was clean.

She had to remember that.

It meant nothing.

Chapter Ten

That she could walk was the greatest achievement of her life, considering what had happened to her.

But again, if anyone understood the laws of cause and effect, it was Kalista. She had done something wrong, and she had paid the price.

After she was untied, she primly neatened her dress and her hair, then stuck out her hand and offered it to them.

“Gentlemen, here’s to a new beginning,” she said. “I appreciate the opportunity to have another go at the contest. Everything will be above board from now onward.”

They looked at her rather bewildered at first and then couldn’t contain their deep chuckles as they shook her hand. She didn’t know whether she was blushing all over again or hadn’t stopped since the first time they touched her.

“I hope you take the day and rest here. I’ll have lunch sent over, but since you’re fully aware of our situation, we do need some time to prepare for our play. We will be ready by 7 p.m.”

She nodded all business-like and managed to walk out of the lounge, straight up the staircase to her bedroom, where she quickly decided the only way, she was going to wipe away all the wetness that still seemed to be spilling from her was if she took a shower.

Fresh and ready to go, she gathered up the supplies and prepared to pull off the greatest show they were ever going to see.

But the universe was against her yet again.

The ideas she had for the stage didn’t come to fruition. Everyone seemed to be bungling up their lines. Her butt was sore, and she couldn’t stop thinking about what they had done to her.

In the end, they had a subpar stage and subpar costumes; everyone decided it was best they just be silent extras while Celeste danced.

Thank god for Celeste.

She already knew the billionaires were quite taken with her, which meant this was going to be an easy win despite everything else happening in the background.