Page 15 of Kept By the Kraken

He uses a hand to tilt my head to the side so he can kiss tenderly along my neck while the tip of a wet tentacle slides higher still. I tremble when it reaches my mound. Sensation rushes to my pussy, though only the lightest touch grazes over my underwear. Beneath, I’m swollen, and a trickle of moisture adds to the pooling slick gathering there.

“Oh, why didn’t you do this sooner?” I lean into his hold when he finally slides under the seam of my panties and pushes into my wet heat.

He groans, and his fingers and limbs tighten on my back and butt. “You wanted me to do this on the plane?” I hear the laughter in his voice, but it’s also low and raspy, filled with passion and longing. “Goddess, I would have.”

I hardly have the words to reply as he invades me further. The unique texture of his skin stimulates me in a way nothing ever has before. He pulls back, undulating the tip of his tentacle right against my clit and I cling to him desperately. Pressure builds until I can hardly hold it back, but there’s still a question at the back of my mind.

Like he senses it, Rosh pulls back, not stopping the attention on my pussy, but not accelerating things either. “You really want to know why I’ve been holding back?” His gaze searches mine.

I nod. “I need to know. I need to know what changed.”

“I’ve been so worried about what it would mean if I found my mate. In kraken culture fathers look after the infants. But a whole clutch, Shelly! I don’t know how I’d cope.”

I look up at him, the urgency of my pleasure dulls a little. “And now?”

He looks a little sheepish. “And now someone I hate to admit is a little bit wiser than me gave me some very good advice.”

I grin at him. “Your sister?”

He mock scowls, then his expression clears into something more serious. “She told me I might have a genetic condition, which could make it hard for us to even have children. Would that bother you?”

I shake my head. “I’ve always been a big believer in just going with the flow and seeing where life takes me.”

He shakes his head, a smile on his lips. “And that’s why you’re perfect for me. I need a little more of that energy in my life, I think. You want this then? My claim?”

I nod. “Of course.”

Then on your knees, my treasure. I told you kraken do it differently. There’s something you need to do before I can fuck you properly.”

Obediently, I get to my knees in the sand. Waves swirl flirtatiously up my legs. Rosh’s hand caresses my cheek. “You need to drink the first load to help your gills to grow.”

I blink up at him. “Gills?”

He nods. I’d laugh, except I can tell he’s being serious. “It will allow you to breathe underwater when I claim you, which is done beneath the surface.”

Oh my freaking god. I’m going to have gills like an actual mermaid. I’m grinning right up until he takes his cock in hand and directs it into my mouth. I moan when the salty fresh flavor of him coats my tongue and the ridges play against my lips. I can already imagine how good he’s going to feel inside my pussy.

I slide down, taking as much of him as I can. He watches me, and the look in his eyes is one I want to bottle. The green-blue swirls with passion and intensity as I bob my head, hollowing out my cheeks to suck him.

Rosh groans. His hand cups the back of my head so carefully. Then he’s directing my movements until we both speed up and he’s spilling warm, salty liquid down my throat with a deep, guttural sound that makes me clench my thighs together.

He pulls back before I’m finished with him, and I’d almost be embarrassed at the little whine that leaves my lips. Only, his thumb gathers the moisture that spills from the corners of my mouth and wipes a trail along my neck beneath my ear where the skin is already tingling.

He repeats the process on the other side, and the strangest feeling comes over me. It’s like gasping for breath, only I’m getting enough air. But I’m breathing through the brand new gills which have opened on either side of my throat.

He grins at me. “There’s my good girl. You ready to find out how kraken do it?”

“Yes, please.” I frown a little when I notice his cock has softened, but he tips my chin up, then helps me to stand.

“Don’t be disappointed, little minnow. I have plenty of ways to satisfy you until I’m ready again.”

Understanding dawns on me when two tentacles slide up the insides of my thighs, finding their way to my needy pussy. My knees buckle and Rosh catches me up, diving backward into the waves, rolling. We tumble into the water in a rush of bubbles and motion I can’t follow. I don’t know which way is up or down. I can’t tell where the surface is and for a moment, I panic and clutch him. Then he brings his lips to mine, breathing air into my lungs with a kiss that gives more than it takes until I calm.

Rosh holds tight to me, moving us through the water with effortless grace. Without pausing, he kisses me sweetly. Finally, I feel my new gills open and water rush in. It doesn’t feel the way you’d expect. It’s nothing like swallowing water or accidentally breathing it in. It feels like breathing air, only richer, more satisfying. Soon, I’m used to the feeling and love the way it means I don’t have to break off our kiss.

Soon, we’re deep below the waves. The ocean is dark except for the pale light from Rosh’s glowing tentacles. Those tentacles are everywhere, moving over my body in an all-consuming possession, leaving me reeling. Suction over my clit makes me gasp and I let out a stream of bubbles as I try to moan. Rosh’s laughter sounds deep and reverberates in the water, as if it travels through me, warming me.

Another two tentacles curl around my breasts, teasing the nipples and driving me close to orgasm already. The tentacle on my pussy slides deeper, the tip feeding into my channel and curling to find a spot that has my fingers digging into Rosh’s shoulders. He doesn’t let up on the suction over my clit, either. Soon I’m taking more of him, squirming and writhing at the sensation of being filled.

When a fourth tentacle slips through my wetness and up into my other hole, I nearly black out for a moment. Pleasure clamps my pussy tight around his invasion, and then the tentacle at my ass slips inside and I’m coming. I throw back my head, giving up on everything but the sensation of him holding me, possessing me. My body clenches around him over and over. A tide of feeling washes through me until I’m a shuddering mess.

When I’m done, his limbs slide slowly from me and he brushes a bubbly kiss over my brow. Regaining awareness of my surroundings, I realize there’s a hard throbbing pressure at my belly, slipping lower as Rosh maneuvers me in his arms. His eyes speak the question he doesn’t need to ask.

Reaching between us, I grasp his cock and guide him into me and watch as his eyes flutter closed. His jaw tenses when his hips thrust and he enters me. His eyes open and his gaze locks on me as he begins to move faster. Our bodies undulate in the water and pleasure blooms inside me again, more slowly this time.

His lips move to trace words I can’t hear out loud.My treasure. Be mine. His eyes and hands and mouth on me tell me what I can’t hear beneath the water. I hope mine do the same as I wrap my legs more tightly around him and move with him as much as I’m able.

We reach the final peak together. Rosh digs his hands into my ass and buries himself deep. His beautiful features strain in a final surrender to his pleasure. The sight tips me over the edge and we float to the surface as the feeling crests.

When my head breaks between the tiny white-tipped waves, he pulls me back against his chest and I look up at the fat, round moon. I don’t know if our joining will bring us the babies he was anxious about, or if we’ll ever be able to have children. I do know that whatever the future brings, it looks a lot brighter with my own caring, devoted kraken. And if we do ever fall pregnant, he’ll make the best father and the best mate ever.