The thought throws me into a foul temper and I hunch, glaring across the city without seeing anything but the tantalizing form of my princess dancing for me in my mind’s eye.
When Sethos turns up with a big shit-eating grin on his face a little while later, it’s all I can do not to wipe it off with my fist. “What do you want?”
He leans against the frame of my archway and looks me up and down. “To see if I got what I paid for yet.”
I’m torn. On the one hand, I want nothing more than to have Jessie back here every night for the rest of the week. I want her in my arms again and I want to breathe in her scent and feel her lips against mine. But that’s a very bad idea.
Still, she said she needs the money. I don’t want to cheat her out of payment.
“Yeah. Worked.” I wave my arms around to show Sethos I can.
His grin grows pointy. “Did it, now?”
“Yes. Why don’t you pay that girl what you promised her and tell her not to worry about coming back?” I could kick myself. But I’m doing this for her.
Sethos steps closer, prodding me in the chest. “I don’t know what game you’re playing, William, but a guardian isn’t much good to me if he can’t move from his pedestal. You think I haven’t noticed you can’t lift your feet? No. She’ll be back here every night for as long as it takes to get what I want. What we both want. I don’t know why you’ve got all sour on her now. Do I need to pay her to do more than dance?”
My jaw nearly hits my stone perch. Pay her for more? To fuck me? “No!” Everything in me rebels against the vision of her spreading her legs for me only because she thought she had to. For money. I don’t want her to ever feel she has to do anything she doesn’t want. Especially not for me.
“No.” I shake my head firmly. “Don’t do that. Just get her to come back for one more night, and pay her out for the rest of the week.”
I’m sure it won’t take more than that to wake up the rest of my body enough for me to move. I can stay strong for one more night.
Sethos shakes his head. “Just don’t lie to me, du Buisson. Didn’t anyone ever tell you a sphinx can smell a lie from a mile away? Don’t waste your breath. Save it to guard my theater.”
He turns and stalks down the stairs, leaving me longing for the day I’ll be able to chase him down and pound into him the need for him to mind his own fucking business.
If he’d have left well enough alone, my poor lovely human would never have even met me, and I’d never have been any the wiser. I could have succumbed to my end without regret. Now?
How can I go back to stone when I know somewhere out there she’s breathing the same air as me? Looking so lush and ripe I’d like to pluck her from the tree and sink my teeth in her.
God’s blood, I’m in for a world of hurt tomorrow evening. I can’t regret the way the conversation went, though.
She’s worth it. Seeing her one more time is worth any cost.