Then I trudge down the stairs and back to the hostel for another dinner of cut-price dry sushi and an evening spent staring at the bottom of Melinda’s bunk.
As soon as the sun dips below the horizon, I force my feet from my perch. With the memory of Jessie’s sweet lips on my cheek, I stalk straight to the edge of the roof and leap off.
It doesn’t take me long to find my way back to the inn where she’s staying. Even if I couldn’t follow her scent, the directions are etched into my mind from taking her home the other night.
It does me no good, though. I stalk backward and forward outside the building for hours, but Jessie makes no appearance. All I can do is replay what she said over and over until I’m gnashing my teeth, internally screaming in frustration.
She came to me for help. All I could do was sit there like a lump of rock while she poured out her fears and tried to talk to me. This is exactly why she doesn’t need to be saddled with a man like me. Amonsterlike me. Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop me from needing to make everything right in her world.
I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. When I was human I was a selfish bastard. That’s the reason I was cursed in the first place isn’t it? But something about knowing she’s mine—that she would be mine—makes me long to give her something. I can’t provide for her, but I can protect her. That’s one thing I can do. But I need to talk to her first. I’m not barging into this human inn and storming through the place searching for her and scaring all the other humans half to death. I’ll only get her in trouble.
So I wait. Only she doesn’t come.
When the sky turns yellow-gray, my movements grow jerky and my feet turn automatically for the theater. I try to resist. Try to buy a few more minutes as if that will make any difference. It’s useless, though. Too soon the sky is growing light and my feet are fixed on my stone pedestal once more. I can feel another crack spreading over my cheek. Pressure from the constant grinding of my teeth marring my already misshapen body.
The next night I wakeup angry. I tear open the door to the theater and storm through the building shouting for Sethos. “Where are you, you bastard? Show yourself! I know you can hear me, you fucking coward. I need to talk with you.”
Sirens wail and lights flicker on as I move from room to room. I fling furniture about. I smash glasses and bottles of alcohol behind the bar. All of a sudden the hellish wails cut off and I smile. That can only mean one thing.
“Well, what is it?”
I turn and Sethos is standing behind me, leaning against a column in the foyer, his leonine tail flicking gently against his leg. “I thought my theater was burning down and I turn up and find it’s just my guard having a tantrum. I’m not impressed du Buisson.”
I don’t give a flying fuck what impresses Sethos or not. I scowl at him. “How do I find Jessie?”
He lifts a brow. “You wait half a minute and she’ll arrive for her final performance. That seems like the most logical answer. Though apparently I’m paying her for nothing, since here you are.”
“You’ll pay her for tonight if you want me to guard your damn theater.”
“If this is what your protection looks like, I think I’ll do without.”