Damian seemed thoughtful, and like he was a kind person. He had offered me his room, which he had already unpacked in. It was completely unnecessary, but downstairs the night before I hadn't had the strength to argue, so I had just accepted his kindness. The way he had looked at me, I couldn't quite decipher it, but it sent a shiver up my spine thinking about it.

Jack, on the other hand, at least in the last twenty-four hours had made me feel like the lowliest piece of shit, and for a moment with unhindered inhibitions, I had wanted to feel worthy enough, and desired by someone. By anyone, really. I tried not to think about how much pain I was really in.

I wandered across the large room to the front door and peered through the peephole. It looked like it was someone from the hotel staff.

I opened the door, blushing at the state of myself.

“Good Morning Ms. Easton.”

“Hi.” I eyed the tray in his hands smelling breakfast food and suddenly realized I was absolutely starving.

“Mr. West instructed me to send up breakfast. Are you hungry now?”

“Oh wow. That was nice of him. Actually, yes, I’ll take breakfast, thank you very much. You can just set it there.” I pointed to the small dining table across the room.

I held the door open as he walked in and set the tray down on the table. “Please let us know if you need anything else.” He walked back to the door.

“Actually, I need to get to the airport for my flight in a few hours. What’s the best way to get over there?” I inquired as I eyed the silver domed cover of my waiting breakfast. My stomach growled in protest at my polite waiting.

“We have a shuttle departing for the airport every 45 minutes.” He smiled warmly.

“Okay, great, thank you.” I nodded.

“Is there anything else I can do for you, Ms. Easton?”

“No, thank you very much.” I smiled. “Could you tell Damian– Mr. West, I appreciate the breakfast.”

“I would, but he left earlier this morning to catch a flight.”

“Oh.” I felt a tinge of disappointment thread through me, but I wasn’t sure exactly why.

With that, he nodded and started to close the door behind him.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught another glimpse of my wedding dress. “Actually.” I called out after him.

“Yes, Ms. Easton?” He popped his head back through the door.

I chewed my lip for a moment, “Would it be possible– is there anyway…” I struggled to admit what I was asking for. I gestured to the dress.

“Yes?” The doorman asked, not piecing it together.

“Would you be able to… dispose of this?” I asked sheepishly.

“Oh.” He said with a surprised look on his face, and then he smiled at me. “Yes, of course. Not a problem, Ms. Easton. We can most certainly take care of that for you. Not a problem. Will that be all?”

“Actually, you know what… I’m sorry. Never mind.”

“Are you sure? It’s really not a problem, Ms. Easton.”

I nodded, getting an idea. “Yes, I’m sure, thank you.”

“Very well.”

I nodded and closed the door behind him. I quickly checked on the water level in the tub, and it had quite a bit longer to go before it was filled. I left the faucet to run while I scarfed down breakfast. I realized I hadn't eaten since breakfast the day before. If you didn't count the bottle of Dom, I had consumed last night for dinner. I had planned on eating dinner at the reception after we’d taken all our photos in the venue gardens, but I hadn't made it that far, unfortunately. I aggressively stabbed the french-toast, I had Jack and Courtney to thank for that.

Grumbling, I slathered my french-toast in heaps of butter and doused it with a generous pour of syrup. I had been on a hardcore, strict diet over the last six months at the behest of Jack’s mother. And I was done dieting for her, or for her asshole son. I stuffed a large bite of french-toast into my mouth and while I chewed, I reflected on the whole situation.

I shook my head angrily, thinking of all the hoops I had jumped through for her. After everything I had done to please her, how I had compromised on so many things just to make her happy, just so that I could be a part of their precious little family. Even after all that, she still never let me feel like I was part of the family. She was an unpleasable woman. And for what? It didn’t matter, anyway. All that bending over backwards got me here, in this hotel room alone. I shook my head. All that just for him to cheat on me.