“Come back to bed. Please. I can’t sleep without you.” She pleaded. She stood with a large blanket draped around her shoulders, and she clutched it tightly.

“Alright.” I walked back up the stairs silently with her, and we slipped under the sheets. They were still warm.

She nuzzled into me.

“I have good news.”

“Mmmm.” She hummed.

“They found out who it was.”

“Who?” I could feel her tense against me.

“It was someone trying to sabotage the new project, another company desperate for the hotel contracts. They have them in custody. Mike says they’ve got all the evidence they need to put them away.”

“Really?” Addison peered up at me in the early morning light.

“Really. You’re safe now. They were never after you anyway, they were after me.”

“Tell that to my body.” She rubbed her bruised neck tenderly.

I took her face in my hands. “I will never let anything happen to you.” I took a deep breath. “This whole thing was my fault, because I couldn’t express that I loved you. And I do love you Addison. I loved you from the start. You’re ‘My heart, and my love’ always and forever.”

She gazed at me softly, the corners of her mouth pulling up in to a smile. “I love you too, Damian.” She pulled herself up to meet my lips.

I gently cradled her as we kissed, tenderly, reverently, softly. Once she was back on her feet, I was going to make her mine for good.



Why Damian had insistedon doing another event on the roof baffled me. I didn’t know why he would want to venture back up there when he was afraid of heights and when I had traumatized myself in the stairwell leading up there.

But I was happy to have my hands back in the florals nonetheless, this time with a little assistance to carrying the heavy things upstairs.

I was well into my second trimester, and we were celebrating the horizon view building finally coming down, so that the hotel could go up in its place. With Charlie out of the way, we’d finally pushed everything through quite quickly, and things were right on track.

The men who’d been hired to hurt Damian were in prison, and Anthony Davis of Davis Inc, the man who had blackmailed Charlie and sent those men after Damian, was in custody, awaiting trial. But Damian assured me they had everything they need to put him away for a long, long time.

“Looks good up here.” I felt Damian’s hands wrap around my waist from behind.

“Why thank you.” I turned around and popped up on my toes, pulling him down for a quick kiss. I looked around, “I’m not sure where everyone’s at. People should definitely be here by now.”

I heard the faint sound of a plane overhead, and Damian pointed up to the sky. An enormous banner trailed behind saying ‘Will you…’

I whirled around and found Damian down on one knee in front of me with a massive ring.

“I’ve known you were mine since the moment I laid eyes on you. I love you Addison Easton. Will you let me take care of you for the rest of our lives? Will you marry me?”

I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. I reached out and grabbed his hands. “Yes. Yes, of course I will.”

Suddenly, as the plane flew overhead, I noticed a thousand flower petals magically cascading down over us.

Damian pulled me in for a passionate kiss, and as I melted into his strong arms, I heard a swell of cheering erupt as people poured out onto the roof.

Startled, I pulled back, looking around. All our closest friends and family surrounded us, smiling and cheering.

“Did you trick me into planning my own engagement party?” I laughed.