“Bag her and get her in the truck.”

I stood up and followed them to the ambulance.

“Addy?” I took her hand in mine.

“Let me take a look at that, sir.” One of the paramedics was eyeing the blood down my side.

I ignored the medic and climbed into the ambulance with Addison.

“She’s pregnant.” I managed to utter out.

The paramedic looked at me with kind eyes. “We’re going to do everything we can.”

As we rode in the ambulance, I sat in shock, staring at her. Who the fuck would do this? This was not some random attack or random kidnapping attempt. This was targeted, malicious, intended. But why?

I gripped her hand as they put blankets over her and tried to keep her warm as we rode to the hospital. She was so small, so helpless. Mud burned my eyes as the tears made their way down my face.

When we arrived at the hospital, they whisked her away from me, despite my protests.

I sat in my own room, silently, as a nurse tended to my side.

Mike stuck his head into the room. “How you holding up?”

I stared at the wall mindlessly. “Run the plates, get everything you can. I want to know who the fuck these men were and what they were after.”

Mike nodded and disappeared.

After getting patched up, I sat for hours of waiting, hoping, wondering. Finally, I was escorted into a room where Addison laid unconscious, with a tube down her throat. I came to her beside and took her hand, looking at the nurse with misty eyes.

“Is she–” I cleared my throat. “Will she wake up? Is the baby–” My voice choked out.

“All her vitals are looking good. The baby looks healthy as well. We’re going to keep a close eye on her, and keep her sedated for the next few days to give the swelling a chance to go down, so she can start breathing on her own. Her throat took a pretty hard hit, and it’s extremely swollen.” The nurse patted my hand. “Hang in there. We have high hopes.”

I pulled the chair up and held her hand against my face as I gazed at her. The color had slightly come back into her cheeks and lips, but she was so still. The machines clicked and beeped around us with disregard as nurses hurried by in the hallway.

Hours later, I awoke to knock on the door. It was Mike. I glanced over at Addison, still lying peacefully, with her chest rising and falling with the ventilator.

“Parents are on their way up.”

I nodded.

Moments later, a red eyed Mr. and Mrs. Easton were escorted into the room. I stood up to greet them, but Addison's mother didn’t even glance at me. She went straight to the side of the bed and took Addison's hand in hers, stroking her cheek.

Addison's dad greeted me with red eyes. “Rick.”

“Damian. Damian West. Did they fill you in–” I questioned.

Rick nodded, glancing at Addison. “So you’re, uh… the new man in Addy’s life, huh?”

I nodded, “It’s a pleasure to meet you sir. I wish it were under different circumstances.”

Addison's mother came over to me. “The nurses said that you were the one who found her?”

I cleared my throat. “Yes.” I twitched my head, trying to avoid the tight straight of emotion in my throat.

“Who did this? Who would do such a thing?” Addison's mother covered her mouth in grief and shock.

“I uh– that’s what we’re trying to figure out. They will pay for what they did to her.” I promised her, barely able to get the words out.