

I looked back and saw a man in dark clothing coming straight for me. I got up and tried to run, tripping as my shoes suctioned into the thick mud.

Before I could get two steps, my head was yanked back by the hair, and I was thrown on my back.

A huge man quickly sat on top of me, easily crushing me with his weight. My arms were pinned under his legs, and I kicked and screamed and tried to claw at him, trying to get my hands free. My body sank deeper into the mud under his weight.

I flailed as he closed his hands around my throat until I couldn’t scream anymore. I locked eyes with the cold, icy stare of my assailant.

Terror swept through me.

My lungs burned as his grip crushed my windpipe, denying me the air I so desperately needed.

I writhed under him. I was desperate for just a sip of air.

I felt myself sinking deeper and deeper into the mud. The panic set in as I convulsed, desperate for a breath.

I wasn’t going down without a fight. I didn’t know who this fucker was, or why he was doing this, but I was sure as hell not going to just give up.

I wiggled one arm free, and managed to claw his arm until it bled, but his arms were much longer than mine, and I couldn’t reach his face or his body. I gripped his hand around my throat, unable to move it an inch as the blackness closed in.

I gripped my executioner's hand until I couldn’t hold on any longer, and I felt myself slipping away. I felt a hot tear slip out of my eye, realizing that this was it.

I was supposed to be a mother…



Addison screamedas another man's voice echoed over the speaker, and then it cut out.

“Addison? Addison?!” I roared.


“Drive faster.” I yelled at Mike. I slammed the dashboard with my hand. I looked at my phone, the GPS marker had stopped, and it just hovered in the same place like a menacing threat.

My heart pounded in my chest. Who was following her? Why had they run her off the road? I had no idea what was going on, and no idea the extent of danger that she was in.

We came hauling around a bend not far from my home, and there was a van sitting on the road with its headlights glowing. I could see the taillights of my Porsche. It was upside down in the ditch.

My mind flashed with images, memories of Afghanistan. Of David’s truck upside down, half missing. I steeled myself for what I might find.

Mike slammed on the brakes, and we ripped out of the car. We were immediately met with gunfire. Mike pulled out his concealed weapon and took down the first shooter. I scanned the area frantically, my eyes were drawn to a random flashlight off the road.

Should I check the car on this side, or the light on that side?

My blood thundered in my ears, and I felt sick to my stomach. I made a snap decision, and I chose the flashlight side. I sprinted to the edge of the road and slid down the embankment, shielding myself from the spray of bullets.

I saw her immediately. Addison lay lifeless in the mud, under the grip of a burly man as he bared down his entire weight onto her tiny delicate throat. My ears rang, and then everything went silent as I processed what I saw.

My body went into autopilot as I sprung forward. With a roar, I tackled the man, knocking him off Addison, and into the mud. Each of us landed punch after punch, clawing each other for the upper hand.

I finally got the man underneath me in the mud, with my hands around his neck, offering him the same demise that he inflicted on Addison.

Suddenly, there was a searing pain in my side. I stared into the man's eyes with hatred and locked down even harder on his throat, choking out every last scrap of air, until his grip loosened and his hand fell to the ground with the knife.