I stormed down the steps and climbed back into the car to get Potato and my things. Better to do it now than have to argue with Damian when he got home.

I gripped the steering wheel and absentmindedly checked the rearview mirror.

My pulse quickened.

I wiped my tears away, feeling more alert. I hadn’t really been paying attention. I’d been driving on autopilot.

A car followed closely behind me.

Are they following me?

The adrenaline pushed through my veins.

I took a left.

The car took a left, right behind me.

Ok, that’s just a coincidence.

I took another left.

The car immediately followed.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Do I lead them to Damian’s? Do I drive the other way?

In a panic, I dialed Damian back on the phone.


I struggled not to cry. “I think I’m being followed, Damian.”

“What? Where are you?” His voice sounded tight.

“I don’t know. I was headed to your house, but I didn’t want them to follow me there, and I took a different turn, and now I don’t recognize where I am.”

“Just head to the house Addy, it’s ok. You’re gonna be okay. I’ve got you on your iPhone tracker.” Damian’s voice soothed me. He knew where I was, and he was coming for me.

Damians coming for me.

Suddenly, the car was pulling up beside me.

I sped up trying to get around them; they sped up, trying to cut me off.

I slammed on the brakes, and the car came careening toward me, edging me towards the ditch.

“They’re trying to run me off the road, Damian. What should I do?” I screamed as they hit my car and I swerved hard. “Damian, what do I do?”

“Fuck.” Damian spat through the phone.

Suddenly, I was jolted forward, and my body was pushed into the seat from the inertia as the car went spinning off the road. I screamed, slamming the brakes in an effort to regain control, but the car kept going.

I tensed my body, and the car lurched forward into the small stream off the side of the road. The front of the Porsche dove into the mud, and the back of the car pitched over, landing with a hard thud against the embankment on the other side of the ditch.

My head spun, and my vision went spotty as I hung upside down.

I momentarily passed out.