Bentley:Okay, yeah. Thanks.

Killian:No problem. Let me know how it goes with that chick.

Bentley:For sure.

Killian + Cap

Killian:How you doing?

Cap:I’m making it. You?

Killian:I talked to Bentley. He told me about what really happened, about the crash.

Cap:Doesn’t seem like it’s any of your business.

Killian:You texted saying you wished it was you, that it should’ve been you. After I heard the whole story, I couldn’t not reach out. I don’t know Dicer, and, unfortunately, I never will. But I’ve gotten to know Jilly and Bentley. I’ve gotten to learn about the kind of guy Dicer was, the kind of friendship you three shared. Live for the both of you, love for the both of you. That’s the best way to honor him, and your bond. Don’t waste the gift you were given by dwelling in the past.

Jilly + Killian

Jilly:Cap called you a nosey prick when we got coffee today. What’s up?

Killer:Bentley told me the whole story of the crash, which made some things Cap texted make more sense. I told him the best way to honor your brother was to live for both of them, to love for both of them.

Jilly:Cap can be pretty fucking emo. I had to bitch-slap him to make him shower before the funeral.

Killer:Hahahaha. Bentley told me that too.

Jilly:You and Bent seem close.

Killer:I think Bentley needs someone to bounce his choices off. One day he’ll realize he’s fully capable of making the right decision all on his own. By the way, everything I read online listed Cap’s name as Cap. I thought it was a nickname?

Jilly:Wanna know a secret?

Killer:I’m a nosey prick. Of course I do.

Jilly:His full name is Capwell Bartholomew Barringer the THIRD. He had it legally changed when he turned eighteen to Cap Barringer.

Killer:Why does that ridiculously pretentious name sound familiar?

Jilly:His grandfather owns half the hotels in this state.

Killer:Ohhhhhhhh… He’s one of those Barringers? Damn. Did he get disinherited when his grandfather found out about the name change?

Jilly:He did, actually. But then the only other heir in his family got arrested with a prostitute and a few eight balls of cocaine in the middle of the Christmas Day parade with allll the cameras pointed his way after he almost plowed down the marching band. So gramps reinstated Cap and tossed out the coke whore.

Killer:You know he’d be super pissed you told me all this, yeah?

Jilly:Most things piss off Cap. He’s surly like that. He needs to get laid. I have ten friends offering themselves up as tribute, but he won’t touch ’em.

Killer:They 19 like you? Maybe he’s not into jailbait.

Jilly:Rude. I’m not jailbait.

Killer:You offering yourself up to Cap too?

Jilly:No. He’s hot as hell, don’t get me wrong, but I know all the reasons he’s broken, you know? I saw the cracks happen. I was there hours after my brother’s death shattered him. He doesn’t need my body. He needs my heart.

Killer:You should be an English major. You have quite a way with words, Jillian Hamilton. Give Cap some time, he’ll start to live again at some point.