Jilly:Then what?

Killer:Then I think I’m going to take a nice long break. I’m going to get with my sponsors and work on other ways I can make them money. I’m tired, and I’m ready to be in one city for more than a week at a time.

Jilly:Can I see you?

Killer:Do you want to see me?


Killer:Then you’ll see me.

Jilly:I’m texting with one eye closed.

Killer:Oh wow, that level of intoxicated? Not going to lie, I assumed drunk Jilly would be texting some extremely dirty things to me in the middle of the night.

Jilly:If the room wasn’t spinning, I would.

Killer:Did you take some Ibuprofen? Drink a large glass of water? Did you lock your door?

Jilly:All of the above. I’m on Bent’s couch. They took care of me.

Killer:Good. Sweet dreams.

Jilly:’Night, Killian.

Bentley + Killian

Bentley:Jilly threw up in my car. As punishment, I’m making her clean it herself in the hot Texas sun with a raging hangover.

Killian:Seems fair. Although, you didn’t need to get her belligerent to make her have a better day.

Bentley:Lesson learned. She, uh, basically admitted she’s crushing on you pretty hard.

Killian:The feeling is mutual, you know that. I haven’t changed my mind, though. I’m still taking it slow. No matter how much it irritates her.

Bentley:You picked out her vibrator.

Killian:Mmmm-kay. Drunk Jilly likes to chat. Noted. And no, I didn’t pick it out. I sent her some suggestions to keep her occupied so she’d stop fucking guys named Thurston. Also, it wasn’t a vibrator.


Killian:You brought it up.

Bentley:I brought it up because Cap didn’t find that little anecdote nearly as amusing as I did. He went all surrogate big brother, and then they got in another fight.

Killian:She left all that out when she texted last night.

Bentley:Honestly, I don’t know if she even remembers.

Killian:Okay, man, thanks. Check on her every few minutes. Don’t let her pass out from dehydration and heat stroke.

Bentley:Go turn the hose on her, got it.

Cap + Killian

Cap:You motherfucker.

Killian:I’ve been warned.