Jilly:Will it ever be time?

Killer:Tell me about your week, tell me everything. All the silly things you did and thought.

Jilly:Weird foreplay, but okay. On Monday I went to class, then did a hot yoga workout with one of my friends, which sucked. I’ve never sweated so much in my entire life, but I’m trying to take better care of the amazing body god gave me. Tuesday I skipped my morning classes because I woke up sad as hell, you know? I drank mimosas for breakfast, then sat through my afternoon classes, buzzed and annoyed. Wednesday was completely unremarkable in every way other than the puppy I saw walking through campus. It was adorable, and its dad let me play with it for like ten minutes. Then he asked for my number. He wasn’t nearly as cute as his dog, so I told him I had a boyfriend to let him down easy. Which leads us to today. And you know about today.

Killer:You had more good days than bad, baby.

Jilly:Yeah, I guess I did. You want to know the best part about today?

Killer: Hearing Caroline tell Cap to fuck himself with an actual fallen tree trunk?

Jilly:That was a highlight, for sure. But this, right here, ending my day with you. This is the best part.

Killer:It’s my best part too.

Cap + Killian

Cap:I think I owe you an apology.

Killian:No, you don’t.

Cap:I was an asshole the other night.

Killian:So was I.

Cap:Yours was justified.

Killian:Yours was too, Cap. Nothing about anything you all are going through is easy. I know you carry around so much damn guilt. And even though the people who love you are begging you to let it go, you won’t. You have to forgive yourself first.

Cap:How’d a BMX bum get so smart?

Killian:Trial, and a lot of error. Plus, it’s easier to assess a situation from the outside looking in.

Cap:You aren’t on the outside, man. You’re smack dab in the middle of all this. You’re Bent’s sounding board, you’re Caroline’s messenger, you’re my annoying mirror. And Jilly… Well, you tell me what you are to our girl.

Killian:I’m her friend.

Cap:Is that still all it is?

Killian:No lines crossed. Blurred a bit, but not crossed. It’s my current mantra.

Cap:What about tomorrow’s mantra?

Killian:No one knows what tomorrow will bring.

Cap:You want her?


Cap:She want you?


Cap:Life’s short, man. Although, she’s too young for you.

Killian:Life is incredibly short. Seems like you should take some of your own advice.

Cap:Probably. But we’re talking about you and Jilly right now.