Jilly:Bent, Caroline, and I are having dinner with Cap tonight to tell him about the baby.

Killer:And there goes my boner. How do you feel about all that?

Jilly:You losing your boner so easily? Not great, to be honest.

Killer:Smartass. I meant about telling Cap.

Jilly:I don’t know. I’m excited for him to know. I mean, I’m going to have a nephew, and that’s really fucking cool. But at the same time, I’m terrified of how he’s going to take it. He already punishes himself so harshly for Dicer’s death.

Killer:Cap is very hard on himself, that’s true. All you guys can do is be honest and love him through it. Remind him that losing him, especially after losing Dicer, would be unbearable. Call him out on his shit if you need to, just like you did before the funeral. Punch him in the face and tell him to pick himself up.

Jilly:I really wish you were here.

Killer:I know, me too.

Jilly:You mean that?

Killer:I worry about you three, and I find that to be true more and more. I want to be there for these big moments. Even though they don’t belong to me, even though you guys don’t belong to me. I’m not Dicer, as Cap likes to remind me. And I never ever want anyone to feel like I’m trying to take his place. But yeah, I do wish I could be there.

Jilly:I’m climbing in my Uber. I’ll text you after dinner.

Killer:Turn on your location sharing.

Jilly:Uh…pardon me, sir? Dildoes are one thing, but sharing my location? What kind of girl do you think I am?

Killer:Hilarious, as always. I don’t like you Ubering around Austin without anyone knowing where you are. Anything could happen.

Jilly:Fine. I’ll share mine, if you share yours.


Jilly:Are we engaged?

Killer:Seriously, I’m in stitches, you’re so fucking funny.

Jilly:Wish us luck with Cap?

Killer:Good luck. Let me know how it goes.

Jilly:Oh, I’m sure you’ll get texts from me, Bent, and Cap. Maybe even Caroline too.Talk soon.

Bentley + Killian

Bentley:Dinner didn’t go so great, man.

Killian:What happened?

Bentley:Caroline walked in and Cap knew, he instantly knew. I didn’t think he’d notice. Her little baby bump is still so small. But he went pale, his hands were shaking, I could tell he was fighting tears.

Killian:Did they get a chance to talk?

Bentley:Caroline tried, Jilly too. But I think he was just… I don’t know. It was like he had this mental block or something. I could see the guilt in his eyes. I could see the regret. It broke him. And Caroline, she just looked so sad.

Killian:Did he bolt? Where is he?

Bentley:He downed his drink, apologized to the three of us, and then he left. I tried to go after him, but I couldn’t find him. He’s not at home, he’s not answering his phone. I’ve been driving around all our old haunts, but nothing.

Killian:He’ll be where he feels closest to Dicer. Where would that be?