Killian:Not really. She asked me if I had feelings for her, though. And I told her I refused to be that kind of distraction. I’ll be her friend, but I won’t be someone she uses to numb her feelings.
Bentley:And she left you on read after that?
Killian:That was yesterday afternoon.
Cap:You’re too old for her.
Killian:I know.
Cap:She’s hurting and vulnerable.
Bentley:Did you not read what he told her? He’s not going to take advantage of her or what she’s going through.
Killian:I cared about her before I social-media stalked her and found out she was a rat-loving, ex-homecoming-queen smoke show. She’s funny and smart. She’s the total package. I’m not going to bullshit you guys and tell you I’m not developing feelings for her. I’m also not ever going to take advantage of her or this situation.
Cap:You’re honest to a fault. Anyone ever tell you that?
Killian:All the fucking time.
Bentley:When you get back, are you going to try to meet up with her?
Killian:I don’t know. I guess that depends on how she’s doing.
Bentley:Is she into you?
Cap:Of course she’s into him. He’s covered in tattoos, too old for her, and a bad boy on a BMX bike that heals her wounded heart with insightful words about grief and love. He’s fucking catnip.
Killian:I didn’t set out to be.
Cap:I know. But fuck if I don’t want to give you a black eye too.
Killian:That’s fair.
Caroline + Killian
Unknown Number:I’ve wanted to text you 1,000 times since the night we lost you. I pick up the phone all the time, wanting to share something funny that happened or to tell you about my bad day. It’s almost like my mind forgets for a moment that you aren’t here anymore.
I saw Jilly last month. She’s so beautiful and so sad. She wears her grief like a jacket, wrapped around her body to fend off the world. I hated moving away from them, but I couldn’t stand living in our apartment without you. I wanted to be surrounded by your things and your scent. Coming home at the end of the day though, it was heartbreaking every single time I was greeted by nothing but silence.
I’ve talked to Bentley a few times, and Cap’s basically ignoring me. I knew he would. He blames himself. Which is stupid. He wasn’t even the one driving.
I missed your call that night, when you two were waiting on the tow truck. It’ll be my biggest regret, not hearing your voice one last time. Not telling you I love you, not hearing you say it back. I can feel you with me, though. Not always. But there are some days your presence is so thick, I swear I could turn around and you’ll be there, smiling at me. I know in my heart you know about the baby, and that you’re watching over us, blanketing us in your love and peace. I wanted to tell Jilly and Bent, but they’re going through so much right now. And if Cap knew, I’m afraid it would send him over the edge.
I mean, I’ll tell them all, one day. One day when their pain isn’t so fresh and their wounds aren’t still gaping open. I hate that you’ll never hold him. I hate that all he’ll know of you are the stories we tell. He’ll only ever hear your voice in videos. He’ll only ever recognize your face from photos. It’s not fair. None of this is fair. I promise I’ll be a good mom. I promise I’ll love him enough for both of us. I promise he’ll know how obsessed with him you would’ve been.
Killian + Bentley
Killian:Bentley. Shit. I need to talk to you. I don’t know how to handle what just happened, but you have to swear you won’t do anything with what I’m about to share until we hash it out.
Bentley:You are freaking me the fuck out. I won’t say anything. Tell me what’s going on. Is it Jilly? Is she okay?
Killian:It’s Caroline.
Bentley:She texted Dicer?
Killian:It was the hardest, most heartbreaking thing I’ve ever read. Dude. She’s pregnant.
Bentley:Holy fucking shit. Dicer’s?