Page 64 of In Too Deep

“I want Sage. That’s all I fucking want.”

“And you have her. You have her in the palm of your hand, and you’re running from her. Have you even talked to her?”

“And tell her what exactly? That I’d like to take her into the garage and whip her? That I’d like to see her blood coating her flesh?” Ranger takes a pull from his beer and then looks at me.

“Yeah. You tell her exactly what you’re thinking, and you work it out together.”

“Work together? How?”

“I don’t have the answer to that. I’m not you, and I’m not her. I don’t know what either of you are thinking.”

“I just told you what I was thinking.”

“Then find an outlet,” he says. Now I chuckle and shove off the stool, stumbling my way outside with him right behind me. I keep walking down toward the alley before I pull the gun from the back of my jeans. I hold it up to him, showing him what I have.

“An outlet? What kind of outlet is there for someone like me?” I ask as I spin the gun on my finger. Ranger looks nervous at first but slowly relaxes as he watches me.

“You like to fight. Why not get into a gym?” I think about that for a minute. He’s right; I do like to fight, but it was always with Juno. Fucking Juno. He would be here right now if it weren’t for what he did to her. My best friend. My only fucking friend.

“Did you know I killed him?”



“Your friend?”

“Yeah. I killed him right in front of Sage. I left him in charge of her, and you know what he did? He fucking marked her. He ruined her, Ranger. He fucking ruined something that wasn’t his!”

“And you made it right, Ares.”

“A part of me blames her,” I tell him truthfully.


“For being there. Isn’t that fucked up? I blame her for being there when I’m the one who fucking brought her there!”

“You killed your best friend for her. There’s a little tension there.”

“I thought about hurting her for it. I wanted to.”

“But you didn’t. And that means something, Ares.”

“It means I’m weak.”

“No. You’re far from weak. You’re a strong person who had a shit life. You were raised in something you had no control over. You were forced to do things that, if you were raised differently, you wouldn’t have done,” he says.

“Do you really believe that?” I narrow my eyes at him, waiting to see what he has to say.

“Yeah, I do. I think if your life had been different, you would be different, Ares.”

“But it wasn’t, and I’m not.”

“No, you’re not. But that doesn’t mean you have to ruin something good with Sage. She loves you, Ares, and that should tell you something.”

“That she’s as crazy as I am,” I laugh as I scratch my head with the gun. Ranger chuckles, then holds out his hand. I know what he wants, and I’m not sure I’m willing to let it go just yet. I shake my head, but he nods his.

“She loves you,” he tells me once more. He’s right. Sage does love me. I lower the gun and place it in his hand. Ranger shoves it in his jeans before pulling out his cell and calling someone. I don’t listen to what he says, nor do I care for that matter. Instead, I think about Sage and all the pain I’m causing her, and I hate it.