Page 52 of In Too Deep

“How do you know that?”

“Today was the last day. The final girl was picked today. They will prepare them for the ritual now that takes place in three days.”

“That’s why he said three days. He knew who she was,” I say. How didn’t I know this? How the hell did I let this get so out of control?

“Don’t blame yourself, Ares. Your father is a smart man,” he tells me.

“He wasn’t too smart. He took something that holds value to me. He took what wasn’t rightfully his to take.”

“I know you’re angry and want to get this over with, but we can’t move for three days,” he tells me.

“What do you want me to do? How the hell am I supposed to control myself without her?”

“Just remember you’re doing all of this for her.”

“And you’re sure they won’t harm her?”

“No. They want them as pure and clean as possible for the ritual,” he says.

“Juno. He fucking cut her, marked her.”

“And I assume he was handled?” I nod my head.

“He was.”

“Keep calm. Stay out of your father’s way and let him get the preparations in order. I’ll assemble my men. The ritual will take place at midnight, Ares. It will begin, and the girls will be presented to you, including Sage.”

“Then what?”

“From what I know, they won’t hurt them. That’s your job during the ceremony. You kill them and sacrifice them to the Gods, but they’ll save her for last. She’s the most important,” he says.

“Why is that?”

“She’s the one with the ice-blue eyes. The gene runs in the families in Bellmont. Where most come out having dark brown eyes, like you, very few have blue. Those are to be sacrificed to the highest God.”

“She had bad luck? Is that what you’re telling me? She fucking had the luck of being born with the blue eyes?” I snarl at him.

“Yes. That’s basically what it is.”

“What else do you know?” I growl this time. It’s hard trying to keep my anger under control right now. I want to lash out and hurt someone. I want to take my anger out on anyone, but who?

“That’s about all I know, Ares. I’m sorry.”

“Do you think he knew where she was this whole time?”

“I’d say he had an idea. I’m not so sure he knew you were stalking her or you finally kidnapped her.” I shake my head. He couldn’t have known that. I was too good. Too careful.

“He didn’t know.”

“We’re going to end this, Ares. But are you prepared to end Bellmont? This is your home. It is all you’ve known.” I smirk at him, a dark, sickly smile.

“Look at me, Ranger,” I say, pointing to my face and the scars. “He did this to me plus some. My body is covered in scars. I’ve hurt women, women who more than likely didn’t deserve it. He’s going to get everything that’s coming to him.” Ranger nods his head when Karen walks in with two cups of coffee. She hands him one and then comes to offer me one. I reach out and take it, watching her for a long second.

“I don’t say thank you. I never have. Never had a reason to, but you helped me, and for that, I’m thankful,” I tell her. She nods her head, a slight smile crossing her face.

“I’m glad I could help. All these years, I felt so helpless. I know Ranger has been doing everything he can, and that’s enough for me.”

“It’s not enough. It isn’t going to be enough until they’re all dead for what they’ve done. I can’t say I deserve to live either,” I admit.