Page 2 of In Too Deep

“That’s exactly what I think.”

“Then you’d be wrong, Ares. You do need me. You need me to teach you, guide you.”

“To do what?”

“Revenge. Torture. All the things you do now,” he answers casually. Now I sit up, straightening my back as I look at him.

“You don’t think I can handle doing those things alone?” He smiles, a smile I hate. One I loathe and want to cut off his face. If given the chance, I may do it.

“That’s not what I’m saying, Ares. You’re reading too much into it.”

“Am I? It doesn’t seem that way,” I retort as I shove to my feet, my hands clenching by my sides.

“Ares, you’re my son. I’ve groomed you, made you into what you are today.”

“And what I am?”

“A God. A man of power. A man who holds the world in the palm of his hands.”

“No. I’m a murderer. I kill. I torture and take lives that aren’t mine to take.”

“And how do you know they aren’t yours to take?”

“Who am I, Father?” Now, he stands and places his hands on the desk in front of him, leaning toward me.

“You are Ares Scott! You are the ruler of your empire. You are the chosen one.”

“Chosen by who?”

“Me, of course. Why are you pushing me on this, Ares?”

“I’m not pushing you. Maybe I just don’t see things the same way as you.”

“What other way is there?” he asks, tilting his head to study me. It’s always the same thing. My father scrutinizing me. Me revolting and being rebellious.

“The real world, Father. There is a real world where people don’t go around killing others because they can!”

“And you think you’d survive in that world?” he roars. He’s right. I probably wouldn’t survive in that world. It’s a simple answer.



“What’s his problem?” Juno asks as I raise the whip and bring it down across the woman’s back. Blood flies through the air as I whip her over and over.

“I don’t know. He makes these small jabs at me. Like I can’t handle the job he’s given me,” I tell Juno, my best friend. My only friend. The one constant thing in my life. He grew up in this mess the same as I did. He does the same things I do, and his father doesn’t question him.

“You seem to be doing fine to me,” he says, nodding to the woman on her knees before me. I look down at the sobbing blonde before huffing out a breath.

“You would think so, wouldn’t you?” I kneel and run my fingers along the marks I’ve made on her back, bringing my blood-coated fingers to my lips. I lick them clean and smirk up at Juno as he groans.

“What more could he want from you?”

“I don’t know. He didn’t say. Just kept telling me the empire he’s built will be mine one day.”

“He’s not wrong. It will all be yours,” he adds. I nod as I shove to my feet and let the whip fly through the air again. The woman screams in pain before Juno grabs her roughly off the ground and drags her back to her cage. He tosses her in and slams the door, clicking the lock into place before opening another and bringing out a new woman. This one has dark hair and dark eyes, just like me. It makes me wonder if that’s how my mother looked. I don’t remember much about her, just bits and pieces, but for the most part, I try to forget her. What’s the point in remembering someone who hurt you?

“The question is, do I want it?”