Page 21 of In Too Deep

“More so while they sleep.” He huffs a laugh as I take a long drag from the joint and pass it back to him.

“You really are crazy.”

“I don’t think you know just how much.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“Just what I said. Why are you still here anyway?” I ask, looking over at him. I figured he’d be gone by now, but here he is.

“Figured you might need some help with her when she wakes up,” he says. I snort a laugh.

“You think I can’t handle her?”

“You can, but I just wanted to be here in case you needed me.”

“I don’t need you. Leave,” I demand. Juno doesn’t move immediately. He sits there for a second longer. Then, he finally shoves himself off the couch and moves toward the door.

“Call me.” I flip a wave over my shoulder as I keep my eyes on her. I can’t take them off her. And I don’t want to. Long black hair splays around her as she lies there sleeping. Soon, she’ll wake up and realize what happened to her. I sigh as I shove off the couch and walk over to her, kneeling next to the bed. I brush her hair away from her face before leaning in and breathing her in.

“You’re going to be perfect for me, Little Lamb. You’re going to be even more perfect when my child fills your stomach,” I tell her sleeping form.

I sit here, taking her in until she begins to squirm on the bed. Then I stand and walk over, grabbing my mask off the table and pulling it over my face. I don’t want her to see me just yet. I don’t want her to know that I have her. So I stand with the mask in place, waiting for her to open those ice-blue eyes. And when she does, I let out a breath.

Sage blinks rapidly, trying to get her vision to focus. When she looks up at me in the mask, she screams and crawls to the top of the bed. I cock my head and take her in. I’ve never thought about it before, but I like her being afraid. Maybe I should keep with the mask for a while longer.

“What do you want? Where am I?” she asks, glancing around. As much as I’d love to talk to her and tell her she’s here with me, I can’t let her hear my voice just yet.

“Do you want money?” she asks quickly. I shake my head.

“What … what do you want?” I don’t say a word. Her eyes are wide with fear and the unknown, and I like it. I step closer to the bed and reach out my hand to her, but she shifts and scoots further away.

“Are you going to kill me?” I shake my head. “Hurt me?” Now, I nod my head. I will hurt her in ways she’s never been hurt before. I see her body tremble as I step back and turn to walk away.

“Are you just going to leave me here?” She calls out to me. I turn back to her and nod toward the chain attached to her ankle. She looks down and realizes she isn’t going anywhere. A soft sob leaves her throat before she looks back at me.

“If you just let me go, I won’t say anything. I swear.” I shake my head. No way am I letting her go. She’s mine. “Please. I’ll do anything you want.”

I want to speak so badly. I want to ask Sage what she’d do to earn freedom, but at the same time, I know it isn’t enough for me to let her go. Now that I have her, there’s no way I can let her leave me. I have to keep her. She has to be mine.

I turn my back on her and walk up the steps, pulling my mask off as I go. When I reach the top, I shove the door open and step into my living room. I blow out a breath. Keeping her here is dangerous not only because of my father but because of me. How will I control myself with her when I want her as much as I do?

I stalk to the kitchen and grab something to eat. When finished, I walk to the living room, grab my laptop, drop onto the couch, and open it up. Then I get to work. Whatever my father is hiding, I’m going to find out. I go through his files one by one until my eyes start to cross and my head aches. I figure it’s about time to feed Sage and return to the kitchen to make her something to eat before pulling my mask back into place and walking back downstairs. She sits in the same spot I left her, with tears running down her cheeks. She reaches up and wipes them away quickly when she sees me coming. I watch her straighten her back, keeping her eyes on me the whole time.

I walk closer and set the plate of food on the bed. Sage shakes her head.

“I’m not touching that.” I chuckle darkly and nod toward the plate. “It could be poisoned.” I shake my head.

“You kidnapped me. You could be lying.” Again, I shake my head.

“I don’t trust you,” she declares. I smile behind my mask and point to my head, letting her know it’s smart of her not to trust me. She shouldn’t trust me. I nod toward the plate once more, but she still doesn’t move to grab it. Then I walk over and pick up the sandwich, holding it to her mouth. When she doesn’t open up, I growl low in my throat and reach for my pocket, pulling my knife free. I flip it in my hand so she can see I mean business. She’s shaky, but she opens her mouth and takes a bite. I nod and press the remainder into her hand before sitting back and watching her eat it.

It doesn’t take her long to finish when I nod, indicating the water in front of her. She picks it up and glances at it before uncapping it and drinking.

“Happy now?” I nod my head. “What are you doing with me?” I wish I could answer that for her, but I can’t. Not until the time is right. Instead, I walk over, drop onto the couch, sit back, relax, and watch her. I could fucking watch her for hours and never tire of it.

“Are you just going to watch me?” she asks. I nod once more. “Why?” I shrug this time. I know why I just can’t tell her right now.

The night continues much like this. I check my phone for messages and emails, but that’s about it. For the most part, I just sit and watch Sage. She must get tired because she finally lays her head on the pillow and closes her eyes.