Page 40 of Tarek

“That’s pretty hardcore for a girl you barely know.”

“I know it is, but there’s something about her I can’t explain.” He nods his head as if he understands, except he doesn’t. No one could.

“I’ll stand behind you no matter what you choose, brother.”

“Appreciate that. Do me a favor, yeah?”

“What is it?”

“Make sure she’s taken care of if I don’t make it out of this. Make sure she doesn’t try to hurt herself over me,” I tell him. He frowns at me but eventually nods his head.

“I got her,” he says.

“Thanks, brother. I can’t go in there thinkin’ about her. I won’t be able to do what I need to do if I’m worryin’ about her,” I admit to him.

“I get that. Just wish you’d think about this a little more. It’s a rushed decision.”

“I don’t think so. I think it’s somethin’ I was just called to do.” He chuckles and shakes his head.

“If you say so.” With that, he turns and walks away from the bar when Cage comes to take his spot. He drops onto the stool beside me and slaps a hand on my shoulder.

“You piss off a lot of people, you know?”

“Who did I piss off now?” I ask amusingly.

“Well, besides Van, your old lady. She seems pretty pissed at you,” he nods toward the other side of the room, where Pierson sits with her arms crossed over her chest, glaring at anything but me.

“Yeah, she ain’t too happy.”

“I can see that. Changes nothin’?” he asks. I shake my head.

“No, brother. Changes nothin’.”

“Okay then. Mask is ready to back us up on this. He’s more than willin’ to play his part.” I nod once more and bring my beer to my lips.

“That’s good. Real good.”

“You got a plan for this shit?”

“Not really. I just planned on gettin’ in there and seein’ what’s what.”

“That’s the plan?” Cage asks, not sounding thrilled about it, but I also don’t know what Dodger was up to.

“That’s the plan. Dodger didn’t leave us much of a roadmap, yeah?”

“Guess you’re right.”

“I’m just gonna go in there and say I know Dodger had plans, but my plans are better,” I tell him with a smirk.

“You think it’s gonna be that easy?” he asks. I shift on my stool and lean against the bar to look at him fully.

“Is anything that easy?” I ask.

“You don’t think you’re rushin’ this a little?”

“No. I think it’s perfect. Dodger is dead. It’s time to move in on that shit. Let’s get him while it’s all fresh,” I tell him.

“Suppose you’re right. I don’t like you goin’ in there alone without backup.”