“What are your plans?” Twitch asks this time. I take a deep breath and lean back in my chair as I look around the room.
“I’m gonna make sure my girl is safe. I’m gonna make sure that she never has a reason to want to end her own life again. I don’t need the club backin’ me for that,” I answer casually.
“You think there won’t be blowback?” Pike asks.
“Not if they don’t know I’m with the club.”
“How’s that gonna work?” Van asks now.
“I haven’t planned that far ahead yet.”
Van chuckles and shakes his head, running his hand through his hair.
“It’s like askin’ for death, brother.”
“Why is that?”
“You’re plannin’ on a vigilante mission with the fuckin’ Catoli family? That’s certain death,” he warns.
“Maybe not. I know what I’m doin’.”
“Do you?” Why is this motherfucker pushing me so much? What the hell does he want from me? A fight? I’m willing to give him one.
“You know what? I’m gettin’ real sick of your shit, Van. First, you’re eyein’ my girl, and now this? You got somethin’ you wanna say or handle with me?” I ask more aggressively than I need to, but I want to get my point across to this asshole.
“I just think you’re steppin’ into somethin’ you can’t walk back out of.”
“And it’ll be for a good reason,” I remind him.
“So you’re willin’ to die for this girl?” he asks this time. The room grows silent, quieter than I’ve ever heard it. They all wait on pins and needles to see what I’m going to say.
“If that’s what it takes to keep her safe,” I reply. Van nods and leans back in his seat as Cage eyes me from the head of the table.
“You’re serious about this?” he asks. I turn to face him completely and nod my head.
“Yeah. I am.”
“So you’re claimin’ her?”
“Looks that way. I did a lot of fucked up shit in my day, Cage. I made a lot of mistakes in life, but this isn’t gonna be one of them. I need to do this,” I tell him. He nods his head before letting out a sigh.
“Don’t suppose you want to share the reason behind it,” he asks. I take a deep breath and shrug my shoulders. It is what it is. They might as well know about my past since she does.
So I open my mouth and tell them everything about me and Bethany. I tell them what we did and how it ended. Then I sit back and let them take it as they may.
“Fuck, Tarek,” Ridge says under his breath.
“That’s pretty heavy shit, brother,” Twitch adds.
“It is, and it happened. I fucked up back then. I didn’t keep Bethany safe as I should have.”
“And you think Pierson is your chance to make it right. I get it, brother.” Pike speaks up.
“Somethin’ like that. I know I can’t change the past, but the past changed me. I see that little girl, I see Bethany in her eyes, and I can’t fuckin’ stand to see the fear. I know what I need to do.”
“Which is?”
“I need to get in with Catoli. I need to step in where Dodger left off.”