Page 52 of Tarek

“I was hopin’ you’d strip for me. Maybe a little lap dance,” I tease her. She lets a laugh that melts my insides and shakes her head.

“You know what I mean,” she says. I nod.

“I know what you mean, darlin’, and I don’t really have an answer for you. We play it by ear for now. Things will work out later.”

“What if they don’t?” she asks.

“They will.”

“Is that a promise?” she asks, wiggling her eyebrows.

“I don’t make promises. I told you that.”

“I know. No promises.”

“You’ll get out of this, Pierson. I’ll make sure of it.” She smiles softly and lowers her head.

“It isn’t me I’m worried about,” she whispers.

“I know you’re worried about me and don’t need to be. Things happen for a reason. We all have a purpose on this earth, and before you, I didn’t know what mine was. I didn’t know why I was still here and Bethany wasn’t. Nothin’ made sense to me, but then you showed up, and it all clicked. It all made sense.”

“What did?”

“My purpose on earth was to save you,” I tell her.

“You already did that.”

“No. I just helped you along the way. This time, I’m savin’ you, and there’s nothin’ that’s gonna stop me from doin’ it.”

“Thank you, Tarek. For everything. I don’t think you hear that enough from me.”

“I hear it enough. Probably too much. You’re thankin’ me for the things you’ve done for yourself. I didn’t pull you back from the edge. If you didn’t want to live, there were other ways to do it, but you didn’t. You stepped up and did what you had to do. You made yourself better, Pierson. Not many can say that.”

“It was hard. I didn’t think I wanted to get better at first. I just wanted it all to be over. I didn’t want to face them or what they would do to me. I didn’t have it in me, but somehow, I found the strength to do that with you.”

“And I’m so goddamn proud of you.” My words cause tears to spring to her eyes. I watch as they slowly fall down her cheeks before I stand from the chair and walk over to the bed. I sit on the edge and reach up, wiping the tears from her cheeks with my fingers before leaning in and pressing my lips to hers. She’s everything to me.

Every fucking thing.

Chapter 24






We’ve gone over a goddamn checklist of things that needed to be taken care of for the wedding. We did the stupid rehearsal, and my stomach protested the whole time. Now it’s time for one last dinner. The wedding is tomorrow, and Tarek has been extra busy. My father has had him dealing with some security and other things for the wedding. I hate it. I hate everything about this. I don’t know what Tarek has planned for us, which also unnerves me.

“Are you ready?” Issac asks, offering his arm. I reluctantly slip mine through his and let him lead me toward the restaurant door. My father wanted one last dinner before the wedding, although I don’t know why.

I don’t say a word as I’m led through the room and toward a back room I’m sure my father paid dearly for. When we enter, I see Tarek standing just inside the room, looking as stoic as ever. His back’s straight, his hands clasped in front of him with his legs spread wide. He looks perfect standing there. It’s hard to tear my eyes away from him, but I do as Issac leads me toward the table. Luckily, we move to the opposite side to be seated, where I can still see Tarek.

“You’re on time,” my father says, and I nearly roll my eyes. We’re only ever late because of Issac, but we all know he doesn’t take the blame for it. No. The blame lies on me and only me.