Surprisingly, Cara nods like she understands.

“You like her enough, though. Enough to parade her around like she’s yours. I wanted that so bad. I still want that,” she says softly.

Ah, fuck.

If I’m being honest, if Tori and I had started our relationship in a normal fashion, we would have probably ended up here—with me having to break her heart because I just don’t see how I could trust anyone enough to give them my heart.

But we didn’t. Our relationship’s backwards. She snuck inside my heart without me even realizing it and I can’t get her out.

Cara was my friend. And we had a really good thing going, but I would have never let it go beyond that. I put up too many walls to allow it. There’s no way to explain it to her without making it all worse so I simply say I’m sorry.

“I hate that I hurt you,” I tell her.

She nods, hugging her arms around her body. “I’ll get over it. ”

Sensing that she wants to be alone, I start walking for the door.

“And Carlo,” she calls, “I’m happy for you. You actually look human beside her.”

I’m not sure what to say to that so I nod and offer her a smile before heading back into the party. I am utterly unprepared for the sight of my girlfriend talking to none other than Dante Marino.

When his hands reaches up to touch her hair gently, rage fills me.

Fuck that.



It’s really hard not to feel insecure when a man you’re kind of dating is having a private conversation with his former fling. Carlo and Cara disappeared only a minute ago and I’m fighting the urge to go after them. It’s ridiculous, though. I’ve never felt like this before. It’s only one conversation, and if I can’t trust him, then this relationship isn’t heading anywhere.

Katherine excuses herself to go and talk to someone and I’m left standing alone. I’m usually better at socializing at parties and events like this, but I’m on edge. I’m about to head over to the bar to get a drink when Dante Marino appears in front of me.

“Hi, princess,” he greets, his familiar smirk in place.

I don’t miss the way his eyes travel down my body. Irritation fills me. “Dante, hi. What are you doing here?”

His mouth curves upward. “I’m acquainted with the hosts of the party. And what about you?”

“Same,” I mutter, wondering how I can make a quick gateway. I really don’t feel comfortable with him.

“Hmm? Only acquainted? I could have sworn I saw you walk in here on the arm of Carlo D’Angelo.”

“Of course I did, he’s my boyfriend!” I snap.

“Oh, really? So the rumors are true. You’re actually dating a D’Angelo.”

“Is there a point to this interrogation?”

“Just want to know if you were really that scared of me that you ran into the arms of the first guy who paid you attention.”

My jaw tightens. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

He offers me a slimy grin, reaching over to touch my hair. Then he leans down to whisper in my ear. “Don’t worry, princess. I’m waiting for you.”

I feel a presence behind me just before Dante is shoved back. Hard. I gasp, whirling around to find Carlo, a menacing expression on his face. He doesn’t look at me; his eyes are on Dante. He carefully maneuvers me to the side, making sure to place his hand on my waist possessively.

“Stay away from my girl,” Carlo states, his voice dangerously low.