“Understatement. But how is your mom? Does she know about all this?”

“No, I didn’t tell her anything. She’s currently out of the country. These days, she spends most of her time in Milan. She left a month ago. Her sister lives there.Mammagets a little lonely when she’s here.”

There’s warmth in his voice when he talks about his mother.

“But the rest of your family knows?”

“I didn’t tell them much. That night after the party, they all badgered me for details until I told them we were entering into an arrangement. I eventually explained what was going on to Christian. I’m sure he filled them in.”

“Oh, good, so they know it’s a fake relationship. I was worried we’d need to keep up appearances around them as well.”

“That’s not necessary,” he informs me

We fall silent and I lie down, looking up at the ceiling. I’m curious about something and while a part of me knows I shouldn’t ask, the question leaves my lips regardless.

“What was your relationship with your dad like?”

Carlo tenses. He doesn’t look at me, and I internally berate myself. Tonight was going so well.



Carman D’Angelo was a great man. He lived his life so that he would be great in every manner. My father never did anything or embarked on anything that wouldn’t succeed. He left his mark on everyone, in many different ways.

Christian became like him, forever chasing after his legacy and trying his best to be like him. On the flip side, Topher did and still does everything to stay away from exactly that. I guess I’m somewhere in the middle. The only difference is my father groomed me differently. He taught and showed me things that my brothers couldn’t fathom. He wanted me to live life without fear but to be feared and ruthless so that I could always protect the others. As the first son of the don, you learn quickly that life is full of evil and darkness. The shitty part about it is a lot of it, comes from us. Even as a kid, I was my fathers right hand man and when you spend your entire life being your father’s bitch, his death sets you free.

I loved my old man, but losing him freed me of the expectations that have always felt like a noose around my neck. Everyone thought I would be upset that he chose Christian to be his successor, maybe even angry. All I felt was relief. Christian was always better suited for the position. And I’ve always been better suited to the shadows. I’d do anything for my little brother—anything but take the burden off his shoulders. I guess that was dad’s plan all along.

I don’t tell Astoria any of this, however. I understand her parents’ inquisitiveness, but she should know there’s a line that shouldn’t be crossed.

“That’s none of your business,dolcezza,” I state.

Her eyes narrow. “It was a harmless question. No need to get your panties in a twist.”

Her tone annoys me and I get to my feet.

“Come on, let’s go see your parents. I need to leave.”

She’s visibly upset as I lead us back downstairs. While a part of me feels bad for ruining the cool, easy way things had been going, another part of me is glad. Lines were getting blurred way too fast and I was getting too comfortable in her presence. I need to keep my eyes on the goal.

The Bianchi family escorts me outside. Her parents stay at the doorway while Astoria accompanies me to my car. When I look back at her parents, whose eyes are fixed on us, I realize the night’s not over yet and there’s something else we have to do.

“Don’t freak out, okay?” I say softly, moving closer to her.

She arches an eyebrow, watching me curiously. When I place a hand on her cheek, her breath hitches. My eyes lock onto hers, and not for the first time, I wonder how they can be that pretty. They’re just eyes, but they draw me in.

My throat dries. “Remember when we talked about the terms of this arrangement and you mentioned a kiss or two?” I don’t wait for her reply. “This is the first one.”

Her eyes widen, and instead of waiting for her to fully understand what I’m saying, I dip my head and brush my mouth over hers. Her body is still a little stiff, but when she parts her lips on a sharp inhale, I taste something sweet and minty at the same time. My blood thrums.

What I meant to just be a quick kiss for her parents turns into something more. Her mouth is warm and soft and I can’t resist another taste. And another. She responds to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. My hands slide up to her hair and I get the overwhelming urge to deepen the kiss, to wrap my fist around her hair and pull until her mouth opens fully for me. Until I can take everything she has to give.

My heart starts to pound. I’m about to tilt Astoria’s chin up even more when the sound of a throat clearing reaches through the haze in my mind. We jerk apart suddenly like someone fired a gun. I don’t even look at her, instead turning in the direction of her parents. Her mom is beaming; her dad just looks annoyed.

“Good night, Carlo,” he calls loudly.

I nod, about to head into my car, but I manage to sneak one more glance at her. Her dark hair is mussed from where I was pulling on it and her lips are swollen. The sight evokes something visceral in me, hot and possessive. I grit my teeth and try to shake it off.