Katherine, who’s currently in Topher’s lap, pauses to consider the question.

“His daughter went to my high school, although she was a few years older than me and we barely spoke. But Toph’s right, I’ve met Salvador. He likes me.”

“The old man likes everybody,” Christian states. “We need him to do us a favor and he’s proving difficult.”

Topher frowns. “Wait, you’re attending this party to have a business meeting?”

I can’t help a self-satisfied smirk. “Not feeling so good about crashing now, are you?”

He sighs. “Is it too late to ask you to drop us off at a club somewhere?”

Katherine slaps his chest. “I am not going clubbing. Don’t be annoying.” She turns to me. “What do you need help with?”

“You just might be my favorite sister-in-law, Kat,” I tell her, grinning.

“Hey!” Daniella says, annoyed.

“Your time will come, Dany.”

She huffs, leaning further into Christian’s lap.

“Okay, everyone. Our mission today is to convince a very stubborn man to sell us a building,” I announce.

Topher snorts. “You’re doing all this for a building?”

“Shut up,fratello,” Christian states, an edge to his voice, and Topher blissfully goes quiet.

“Everyone, turn up your charm.”

Daniella grins. “You say that like you or Christian have any charms.”

I let out a soft sigh. I love my family, but now I’m considering if this night will be even harder with their presence.

Christian can tell I’m getting frustrated. “We need tonight to go well,” he says firmly.

“No matter what happens, we’re not leaving that party until Bianchi agrees to sell to us.”

Our plan fails. We arrived at the party to surprised glances from the other guests who’ve never seen so many D’Angelos gathered at one society function before. Apart from the ones hosted by us, of course.

The women quickly got on with socializing while me and my brothers kept a lookout for Bianchi. When he finally approached us, he was ecstatic, even hugging both Daniella and Katherine and congratulating them on joining our family. Things quickly went downhill when Topher tactlessly mentioned the building.

He’s never had an affinity for business, but he can be a real idiot sometimes. Bianchi clammed up and left, telling us to enjoy the evening. Now, I’m smarting in front of the bar and wondering just how we’ll be able to convince him to sell.

“Chill out, Carlo,” Katherine says beside me.

“Your husband’s an idiot,” I retort, which causes her to smile.

“I know.”

They got married just over a year ago, after the birth of their little boy. They worked through so many issues to get there, too—most of all, her parents’ disapproval.

Katherine stays quiet beside me as we watch Topher talk to some of the guests, while Dany and Christian dance in the middle of the room. I might have been joking when I said Katherine’s my favorite sister-in-law, but she’s definitely the one I’m most comfortable with. We might have gotten off to a rough start, but we’ve come a long way. And I’m glad my brother has her. She’s great at keeping him grounded.

“So what are we going to do about the building?” Katherine questions.

“Short of somehow becoming his son-in-law?” I say, gesturing at Bianchi. He’s having a conversation with an elderly couple. When he chuckles, it reverberates across the room despite the soft music coming from the string quartet. “I honestly have no idea.”