Me: Catzo.

Topher: She says we’re having a family dinner the day after she arrives. And she also said to tell you to bring your girlfriend.

Me: Fuck.

Topher: Yep. Good luck, fratello.

I don’t dwell too much on my mom’s arrival, seeing as I first have to contend with another parent. I’m shown into Salvador’s office as soon as I arrive. He gets to his feet from behind his desk, a wide grin on his face.

“Ah. Carlo. Thanks for meeting up with me, son,” he says.

I shake his hand and he gestures for me to take a seat.

“How’s everything going?” Salvador questions.

“Pretty good, sir.”

He arches an eyebrow. “Sir? You’re dating my daughter, Carlo. Call me Salvador. We’re going to be family soon, we can drop the formalities.”

“Alright.” I nod, getting comfortable in the chair.

“I heard you were having a problem with Desantos. That old bat just doesn’t want to quit, huh?”

“We were having some problems with him but Christian took care of it,” I inform him.

“Ah, of course he did. Your brother’s a good man. Your father left the family in capable hands. Both of you have been doing well.”

“Thank you.”

“Which brings me to my next point. I think it’s time I finally passed the building over. I was worried in the beginning about you and Astoria, but I can see now my fears were unfounded. I’ve never seen my daughter so happy. Which is why I’m going to hand the building over. You’ve earned it. And I’m sure you boys will do well with it.”

“Thank you, Salvador,” I say, feeling a weight slide off my chest.

At least it’s still working out the way we needed it to.

“I’ll talk to Christian about coming over so we can negotiate the price and sign the documents.”

Salvador waves a hand in the air. “No, no. Didn’t you hear what I said, son? I’m handing the building over. This isn’t a sale. It’s a gift.”

I stare at him in surprise. “I don’t think that’s necessary, Salvador.”

“Of course it is. You’re my future son-in-law!” He laughs. “I can give you this, at least. Consider it an early wedding gift.”

I swallow. Fuck. If he doesn’t accept money for the building then I’ll feel even worse about the deception that got us here.

“Salvador, just let us pay. It’s an expensive property.”

“Which is why I’m giving it to you,” the man says stubbornly. “Take it, Carlo. Stop being modest. I already had the documents for the transfer prepared. All that’s left is for us to sign it.”

My hands curl into fists as I debate this in my head. The feeling in my gut tells me that getting the building for free might come back to bite me in the ass. But I take one look at Salvador’s earnest expression and inwardly sigh. He’s not going to let it go.

“Alright. Thank you very much, Salvador.”

At least we’re getting the building. There’s that. We sign the documents and just like that, my family has gotten something we’ve needed so desperately all this while. Salvador shakes my hand to close the deal.

“Welcome to the family, son.”

“Thank you.”