
I slap her ass as she starts to walk away. She narrows her eyes in what I’m sure she thinks is a threatening glare, but all it does is make me smile and feel warm inside. Once she’s gone, I focus on finishing breakfast.

“So, I have two things to talk to you about,” Tori says from beside me in the car.

I’m driving her to work since I have to do something close to the hospital.

“Oh, yeah? What?” I question, a little distracted.

My mind is on the people I have to meet. They owe us money, and I’m hoping we can resolve it in an orderly fashion without having to resort to violence. I don’t think Tori will take kindly to me getting into a fight two days in a row, despite it being business as usual.

“So, I spoke to my dad. About the building you and your brother want to buy.”

I look at her sharply. Now she has all my attention. “Continue,” I say, my gaze moving back to the steering wheel.

“I told him to sell it to you guys. After all, you need it, and the son-in-law he’s keeping it for doesn’t actually exist. He said he’d think about it, but knowing my dad, he’ll probably do it. I’m sure he’ll contact you or Christian soon,” she says excitedly.

“Hmm,” is all I can manage, my eyes never straying from the road.

“Wait, what? That’s all I get.”

I glance at her and the put-out expression on her face. “I would have preferred it if you didn’t do that,dolcezza.”

“And why the hell not?”

“Because it’s my problem and I would have figured out a way to handle it. You didn’t need to butt in.”

A part of me realizes this is exactly what I wanted when I first agreed to our fake relationship. But we’ve come a long way from that, and honestly, getting the building in this manner feels wrong.

“I didn’tbuttin,” Tori says icily. “I was helping you. Most people would follow it up with a thank you to show how grateful they are.”

“I am grateful,” I say appealingly. “But leave me to handle my own issues from now on, Tori.”

She doesn’t say anything else. She crosses her arms and leans further into her seat.

“What’s the other thing?” I question when she continues to be silent. She still doesn’t answer. “Come on, Tori. I’m sorry, okay?”

She huffs out a breath before shifting in her seat, “I got a text from Christopher.”

“My brother Christopher?” I ask, a foreboding feeling settling over me.

“How many Christophers do you know?”

I chuckle. “You’d be surprised. What did he want?”

“He wanted to invite me to a party tomorrow night. Apparently, he and his wife are throwing it for his wife’s best friend and brother-in-law’s birthday.”

That’s not confusing at all. I got it, though.

“They’re throwing a party for Jameson?”

“Yeah. And they invited us. Well, actually, he invited me. He told me to drag you along if I could.”

I roll my eyes. “You can’t because we’re not going.”

The look Tori shoots my way is cold and menacing. Shit, she can be scary for such a small thing.

“You don’t just get to decide. I want to go. Plus, he said it would be a small party.”