“You’re right, I’m sorry. Let me just take a look at you.”

We both walk into the house. He takes a seat on the couch while I drop the bag in my hand onto the table. Carlo eyes me and the bag warily as I stand in front of him.

“What’s in the bag?”

I reach gingerly for the bruise on his face and he winces lightly. “Sorry,” I whisper.

I turn to the bag, opening it and bringing out some gauze, ointment, drugs, and other stuff. When I turn back to Carlo, he’s staring at it all wide-eyed.

“What the hell is all that? I asked for ibuprofen,dolcezza, not the whole damn hospital.”

I smile. “I didn’t know the extent of your injuries. Plus, I’m a doctor. What did you expect?”

He grumbles something under his breath that I can’t discern. I get to work on cleaning the area around his bruise before applying some ointment, and he barely flinches from the pain. Once I’m done, I pull out some drugs.

“Have you had dinner?”

He nods once, staring at the pills in my hand. “What are those?”

“It’s the ibuprofen you asked for, and acetaminophen. It’s pain medication.”

“Is that really necessary?” Carlo drawls.

“Your head hurts, right?”

“A little.”

“Then you’re using it. Come on.”

I hand him two pills before heading to the kitchen to grab a cup of water. He obediently swallows the pills, drinking some water to wash it all down. I collect the cup and set it on the table before my eyes roam over his face once again.

“You know, you look hot as hell right now.” He smirks.

I roll my eyes. “You need to lie down.”

“I had other things in mind, actually,” he says with a flirty smile.

“Those ‘other things’ aren’t happening. You need to rest.”

He groans softly. “Come on, Tori.”

I shake my head. “No. Doctor’s orders. You’re going to get some sleep, okay?”

He sighs, getting to his feet. “You’re going to sleep beside me though, right?”

Something grips my chest painfully, and I stare up at him. “Of course.”

He takes my hand and I let him lead me into the bedroom. We fall asleep together. I know I told Nora that whatever’s going on between the both of us doesn’t have to be serious, but it feels really fucking serious right now.



The other side of the bed feels cold. It takes me a moment or two to realize it’s because Tori’s not here anymore. My eyes open and I sit up, rubbing my head and groaning softly.

A glance at the clock beside me tells me it’s 7 a.m., which means I slept in. Or, at least, I didn’t wake when Tori got up. It’s odd—usually, I’m a very light sleeper.

I climb off the bed, padding across the heated floors of my room. Instead of going in search of Tori first, I head into the bathroom. I take a look at my face in the mirror. The swelling in my eye has gone down significantly and even the bruise looks better. It makes me appreciate whatever the hell Tori used.