“You know, the talk. About what we are and whatnot.”

Nora’s blue eyes bulge. “You mean you didn’t have a conversation about whether or not you’re even in a relationship? Tori, what the hell?”

“It didn’t come up,” I mutter self-consciously. “When was I supposed to bring it up?”

“I don’t know, maybe before bouncing on his dick.”

Ouch. I shoot her a glare.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I just mean, your relationship’s already delicate. And now you’ve added sex to it all without knowing where you actually stand. There’s still the other girl, as well.”

“He said he doesn’t have feelings for her,” I say defensively.

“And you believe him?” Nora asks, her voice gentle.

I sigh, leaning back in my chair and dropping my burger onto the plate. I suddenly have no appetite. “I think I do. I don’t know, okay? It’s all very confusing.”

“Which is why the two of you should have talked before having sex.”

We did do a lot of talking. It just felt like we were both skirting around the edges of the conversation. Plus, I’m really worried. Like Nora said, our relationship is fragile. What if I push too hard? I don’t want to damage what we have.

I sit up, clearing my throat. “I trust him. If he says he doesn’t have feelings for her, I believe him.”

“Alright, fine. The other woman aside, you still need to clearly define your relationship. What does he want from you? Does he want you to be his girlfriend? Do you want to be his girlfriend? Are you even ready for a serious relationship, Tori? Because last time I checked, the reason you fought so hard against the arranged marriage with Dante Marino was because you didn’t want to be saddled with a relationship.”

I chew my bottom lip, turning over Nora’s words in my head. Finally, I come to a decision.

“I think… I’m just going to take things slow and see where it goes.”

Nora stares at me, her expression studious. “You think that’s a good idea?”

“I’m sure that’s what Carlo wants, too. I can just enjoy this. It’s not often I get to just enjoy myself. We don’t have to overcomplicate things.”

Carlo’s not a sunshine-and-flowers kind of guy. He’s hard, jagged lines and ice. He’s finally letting me see the parts of him he keeps hidden, and I’m not about to push too hard and push him away.

Nora looks like she wants to argue but she doesn’t. She simply shakes her head. “Alright, then. I really hope you know what you’re doing, babe.”

I absolutely do not.

We go back to eating our lunch but I’m distracted when my phone lights up with a text. I’m sure my face lights up when I notice it’s from Carlo. I don’t miss the way Nora’s eyes narrow, but she wisely keeps her comments to herself as I pick up the phone.

Carlo: Hey.

Me: Hey back.

Carlo: How’s work going?

Me: Fine. Although I was scolded this morning thanks to you. You made me late.

Carlo: I’m pretty sure it was a team effort, beautiful.

Butterflies erupt in my stomach and a wide grin spreads across my face.

Me: Whatever you say. So, what’s up?

Carlo: I was just wondering if you were coming over tonight.

Me: That depends. Do you want me to come over?