“Which is why you need to talk to him. The two of you need to have a conversation. You can’t just decide to end it like this. Besides, your fake relationship involves more than just you guys. Think about your parents. Your mom will be devastated.”

“She’ll live,” I mutter.

“And Carlo? His family still needs that building, don’t they?”

“Yeah, about that… I think I’m going to talk to my dad about it. I’ll ask my mom for help, as well. Maybe if we join our efforts, we can convince him to sell the building to the D’Angelos.”

“Is that before or after you break up with Carlo?”

I groan softly, tilting my head back. “I have no idea.”

Nora rubs my shoulders. “You’ll figure it out, Tori.”

I love that she’s been so supportive about this. And I love that despite how shitty things seem right now, I have someone I can turn to. It’s what I’ve been missing all these years. A true friend.

“I owe you a girls’ night out. All expenses on me,” I tell her.

She smiles, her green eyes brightening. “I would say you don’t need to, but honestly, that sounds like an amazing idea. Now come on, get up. We’re going to be late for work.”

She drags me off the couch and we get dressed for the day before driving to the hospital in my car. Our plans to watch some movies and chill after a long day of work are unfortunately stalled when I receive a text from my dad asking me to come home.

When I get there, he’s seated on a lounge chair in front of the pool at the back of the house. I take a deep breath before walking over and taking a seat on the chair beside him. I might as well bring up the issue of the building now.

“Hey, Daddy. A little late for sunglasses,” I say, settling down and getting comfortable.

He tilts the glasses down to look at me. “I’m trying to be trendy, sweetheart. I hear this is all the rage these days.”

“I’m sure it’s not.”

“How would you know? You spend all your time at the hospital,” he tosses back.

“Trust me, Daddy. I know.”

He hums softly, a light smile playing across his lips.

“So… why’d you ask me to come home tonight?” I question.

“What? Too busy with your boyfriend to spend time with me?”


“Your mother’s working all night at the bank. They’ve got some kind of issue and I wanted some company.”

“Oh, so I’m Mom’s replacement.”

“Pretty much.”

“Cold, Daddy,” I say on a laugh. “So, how’s the company?” I ask, deciding it’s a safe enough topic to lead in with my request.

“It’s alright. The usual—buying buildings, demolishing buildings, selling buildings. I’m thinking of converting one of our buildings into a women’s center. Your mom gave me the idea. It could be a place to provide medical or social services. There could be a clinic, a gym, 24-hour help provided for any woman who walks through the door.”

“That sounds amazing, Dad,” I say, feeling extremely proud.

One thing about my parents is that they look for any means to give back to society. My dad, despite his riches, has always been humble and he taught me to be the same.

“Yeah. It should take off next month. Let me know if you have any input.”

“Sure. Also, Dad, I was wondering…” I trail off.