Topher snorts. “Well, obviously. Seriously, Carlo, you need to work on your communication skills. I asked for an explanation and you gave me two words.”

I ignore him, grabbing a towel to dab at the sweat on my face. Topher pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration.

“Come on, bro. Give me something. I’m curious. You and Cara have had something going on for a few years now. She doesn’t talk about it and neither do you, but I know you both regularly get dirty in the sheets,” he says, wiggling his eyebrows.

My lips twitch but I really want to hit him. Dumbass.

Topher continues, “Anyway, I always thought you’d eventually just suck it up and start dating her or something, but that didn’t happen. Instead, you start dating Astoria—”

“Fake dating,” I clarify, even though something tightens in my chest as I do so.

“Right,fake dating,” he emphasizes. “But Daniella swears something else is going on between you and her, and now I’m confused about where you and Cara stand. Who do you actually have feelings for,fratello?”

He seems genuinely put out, and if it were any other topic of conversation, his expression would be funny. But I am not amused by his breakdown of my love life.

“That’s for me to know, Toph, and for you to mind your own business.”

Topher rubs his forehead on a groan. “If I’m this confused, I wonder how the women in question feel.”

Good point, I admit grudgingly to myself. I don’t say it out loud, though.

Topher’s expression is serious as he stares at me. “Don’t play with their feelings, Carlo. Don’t string them along, either.”

“I’m not,” I say through gritted teeth.

Right now, I’m trying to make sense of the shit swirling around in my head. I have no idea what I want.

“Make the right decision,” he continues.

“Would you quit it?” I mutter, getting annoyed.

He smiles. “I have to say, I’m really enjoying this. I haven’t seen you this bothered over anything in, well… ever!” He laughs. “This is rich.”

“Now that you’re done pissing me off, you can go now,” I say, pointing to the doors of the gym.

He’s already cut into my workout time. I only do this a few times a week in the evenings to unwind through my workout routine.

“Fine, fine, I’m going,” he says, still smiling. Before he leaves, though, he shoots me a wide-eyed look. “I just realized something.”


“Mom’s definitely going to see that article.”

My eyes widen as I process that. “Fuck.”

“And the plot thickens. Well done, Carlo.” Topher laughs as he walks away.

I lean against the wall and let out a sigh.When did things get so fucking complicated?

* * *

Cheers erupt as soonas I walk through the doors of our pub.

One of the capos slaps my shoulder. “Well done, boss,” he says, grinning.

I shoot him a withering glare and he slinks away. They all slink away when they notice my mood. My jaw is clenched as I beckon Slade over.

“What the fuck is going on?”