I swallow softly and look up at him. “If you and I weren’t doing this… fake relationship, would you be with Cara?”

Now he seems even more uncomfortable. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“You do,” I say gently. “Just be honest. If you and I weren’t fake dating, you’d be with Cara, wouldn’t you?”

“Astoria.” He sighs again.

That’s it. He just sighs, but he doesn’t give me an answer. My jaw clenches.

“Carlo, I need you to tell me the truth. Because if we’re doing this and you—” I falter.

Carlo’s staring at me. The look in his eyes is intense, and I have no idea what’s going through his head right now. I take a deep breath.

“If I’m keeping you away from someone you have feelings for, then we need to stop. It’s not right. You told me that you don’t believe anyone could ever look past the surface and see the real you. Cara could be that for you. Don’t let this fake relationship hold you back. I can’t be the reason you’re—”

“Astoria,” Carlo cuts in. His hand slides up to my hair, fisting it. “Just shut up,” he whispers and then his lips are on mine and every single thought evaporates.

The kiss is soft at first, sending shivers down my spine as his other hand moves down to my waist. His mouth gently teases mine open until my breath catches and I give him better access. My stomach clenches as his grip on my hair tightens. The kiss becomes deeper, rougher. My hands wrap around the back of his neck, bringing us closer.

I could kiss him forever.

Much too soon, though, the kiss ends, and Carlo pulls away abruptly. We’re both breathing heavily. I look up at him but his eyes don’t meet mine. He’s looking at something behind me. Or someone.

“Mrs. Bianchi,” he rumbles.

I jump away, turning to look at my mother. She’s staring at both of us with wide eyes. My hand flies to my mouth when I realize she saw us.

“Mom! How long have you been standing there?”

She blinks. “Sorry, honey. I noticed Carlo walking over here and I was wondering if you were here, too. I just got here, promise.”

“Oh,” I say, relieved that she didn’t hear our conversation. I quickly turn to Carlo and swallow softly.Did he kiss me because he noticed my mom approaching?

His expression gives nothing away. Disappointment pools in my gut. And hurt.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt. I can leave.”

“No, it’s fine,” I tell her. “Did you need me for something?”

“Yes,cara. A friend of mine wanted to meet you. It’s fine, though. She can meet you later,” my mom says, smiling.

“No, I can meet her now. I’ll see you in there, Lo,” I mumble without looking at him.

I just need to get out of here. I walk to my mom and lead her out.

* * *

The restof the night goes by and I’m barely present. I keep replaying the kiss and our conversation over and over in my head. More than anything, I hate how vague he was about his relationship with Cara. He didn’t answer my questions, and it’s even more annoying because more than anything, I’ve always known Carlo to be straight with me.

He’s barely said anything to me, either. We’ve been drifting around the party, greeting acquaintances and pretending to be a loving couple. But I’m sure they must notice how stiff we’re acting, especially me since my mind is miles away. I catch the worried glances Daniella throws my way, but she doesn’t say anything. I’m glad Cara’s not here anymore. I’m not sure how I’d act around her.

Finally, the exhibition ends and we can leave. Daniella gives me a hug before we step outside.

“If you need to talk, just hit me up, okay?” she tells me.

I nod, offering her a grateful smile. Then Carlo’s leading me to his car. He doesn’t immediately drive once we’re inside. I count five breaths before he speaks.

“What’s going on, Astoria?”