Our kiss flows back to the forefront of my mind and my body brims with electricity. He thankfully doesn’t notice, too focused on guiding us toward the elevator. He presses the button for the first floor. Being in an enclosed place with him is suffocating and I can’t get out fast enough.

We head for the parking lot, and I’m already dreading the night we’ll have to spend together. But Carlo’s the epitome of professional. Even if I’m entertaining insane stupid thoughts, I can count on him to keep his head on his shoulders.

The drive is quiet until I start to feel like I’m about to break out in hives.

“You were pretty good with Sarah today. Have you ever thought about having kids?” I ask to fill the silence. “Or is that sorely in the realm of none-of-my-business?”

Bitterly, I remember the way he dismissed my innocent question about his father. He could have told me he wasn’t comfortable talking about it. Instead, he clammed up and dismissed me. I had forgotten about it but now I’m annoyed again.

“I was wondering when you’d bring that up,” Carlo says.

“You mean, you being a total asshole?”

To my irritation, he smiles. “I’m sorry for shutting you down like that,” he says in the most unapologetic tone ever.

My eyes narrow. “You’re not very good at this apology thing, are you?”


My lips twitch. Honestly, I’m over what happened. A conversation with Sarah and a tub of ice cream helped, but still… I wish he hadn’t shut me down. Then again, he doesn’t owe me anything. I said I wanted us to be friends, but he’s never expressed a similar sentiment.

“I adore my nieces and nephew. They’re the most precious things in the world to me. And I’ve never had an aversion to kids,” Carlo starts. My eyes cut to the side of his face and I realize he’s actually opening up. “But I’ve also never spent much time wondering if I’d ever have them.”

“Why not?” I question.

“Well, first off, it’s not really up to me. I wouldn’t be the one pregnant. I guess if my significant other wanted kids, I wouldn’t have an objection to it,” he informs me, and I’m immediately blown away. Every time I think I have him all figured out, he surprises me. “I’d have to find a significant other first, though. And the odds aren’t in my favor.”

“What? There aren’t tons of women clamoring for the attention of Mr. Sulky Mafia Boss himself?” I joke.

He chuckles. “I’ve been told I don’t have the best personality. Plus, most women tend to get turned off by all the murder.”

“I doubt that’s true. You’re so much more than that.”

Carlo briefly turns to look at me. An emotion I don’t understand flashes in his eyes.

“You just have to put yourself out there, Carlo. I’m sure you’d be surprised just how many people would be willing to know you.”



Astoria smells like lavender and strawberries. Noticing her scent or being hyperaware of it isn’t something I anticipated, but now that I have, it’s all I can think about. It’s intoxicating, almost like I could get drunk on it.

She’s quiet as I lead her into the apartment. I try to see the place through her eyes. Like I told her, my mom picked out all the furniture. Some of the art pieces hanging on the wall are Daniella’s. I purchased them to make her happy, not because I really gave a fuck. Astoria smiles slightly as she takes it all in.

“It looks like a typical bachelor pad,” she says.

I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. I don’t ask. “Right. So what do you need? Are you hungry?”

She shakes her head. “No, just exhausted. It’s been a long day.”

I completely agree. “Alright, then. Sleep.”

She follows as we cross the marble floors to my bedroom. I’m not used to people being in here, but I ignore the slight discomfort. Our arrangement is beneficial to me and I’m going to have to suck it up.

I gesture at the black door. “That leads to the bathroom. Is there anything you need?”

She considers it and then hesitates. I wait for her to speak.