I scoff. “That’s ridiculous. I’m sure you didn’t buy it because of pity but to make her happy. Then again, I don’t understand your relationship, or any relationships at all. Just suck it up, brother. Buy her flowers or something and she’ll get over it.”

“You’re just saying what you think I want to hear.” He sighs. “I should have gone to Toph. You’re no help.”

My eyes flutter shut again. “Mmm,” I say, back to giving non-committal responses.

“Seriously, instead of this farce of a relationship, haven’t you at least considered a real one? What about Cara?”

“Christian, I love you, I really do. But just shut up for a while, okay?”

He falls silent. For all of ten seconds.

“You okay?”

“No,” I say, groaning. “My head fucking hurts.”

“What happened?”

“There was a confrontation at the casino. I defused it, but one of the drunk bastards hit me over the head with a chair. I was fine earlier but it’s really starting to screw with me.”

“Shit. Should I get you some drugs?” Christian asks, concern bleeding into his tone.

“No, I’m fine. Just go home, okay?’

“You sure?”

I nod. “I’ll just take some aspirin and sleep.”

He gets to his feet, and I feel him linger for a few more seconds before he heads for the door. Silence fills the apartment when I hear it close. I’m glad it was him here. He’s the only member of my family that would have heeded my request. Mom would have fussed over me, Topher would have been an annoying twat. But Christian always understands when I need to be left alone. Which is almost always.

I manage to take a shower and reheat some leftovers. After dinner and some drugs, the headache lessens. My phone pings with a text as I head to bed.

Astoria: Hey.

Nothing else, just hey. I should sleep but I want to know what she wants.

Me: Hey.

Two can play at that game.

Astoria: How are you?

Now I’m really curious about what she needs.

Me: A woman of many words. I’m fine. Just got back from work. You?

Astoria: I’m still at work. It’s a Tuesday.

Me: Right. How’s Sarah?

Astoria: She’s better. I’m thinking of discharging her soon.

Me: That’s good. The kid should go back to school.

Astoria: Do you want to meet her? You seem curious. You’re always asking about her.

I consider that for a moment. Do I really want to meet a patient of hers? Not exactly, but the conversation I happened to overhear has never really strayed from my mind.

Me: I’m not sure that’s a good idea.