I ignore the slight twinge of disappointment at his words. He didn’t have to be so blunt about it.

“Okay. Do you have any conditions of your own?”

“No pictures. Or posting me on social media.”

“That’s not an issue.” I ponder my next words, hesitating slightly. “No violence,” I say carefully. When he arches an eyebrow, I explain, “I’m a doctor, Carlo. I am not and will never be comfortable watching you beat someone up.”

“Yes, because I tend to do that a lot,” he drawls.

“Do you not?” I counter, to which he shrugs.

“No violence when you’re around, except special circumstances that may warrant them,” he states, offering me a compromise.

I suppose it’s as good as I’m going to get. We talk a little more about the more delicate chinks in our plan.

“We need to be more comfortable with each other. You can’t be so… rigid all the time,” I inform him.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he says, even as tension rolls through his shoulders.

I get the feeling Carlo D’Angelo never relaxes, ever. He always has to be in control, and on top of everything.

“This isn’t going to work if you can’t act like you love me,” I state.

He looks appalled by the idea, and I sigh softly. This might not go as smoothly as we hope.

“Have you ever been in love?” I ask.

Carlo rolls his eyes before getting to his feet. “We’re done for today,” he says, ignoring my question.

It’s pretty clear he’s put up a wall; I can see the change in his body language. I stand as well.

“We’ll meet again tomorrow,” Carlo says, and I arch an eyebrow. “So we can practice getting comfortable with each other before we see your parents,” he clarifies.

“Right. A week should be plenty of time to get used to each other.”

He nods. “I can’t see you again after tomorrow, though. I’ll be swamped with work.”

“No problem. But I get to pick the time and location for tomorrow,” I tell him, smiling.

“Let me know by tonight.”

And with that, he leaves, not even so much as a word of goodbye. He could work on his manners. Scratch that, he could work on his entire sense of self. Despite all that, I’m actually curious.

Carlo doesn’t strike me as a man who often lets people see beyond the surface. But if this is going to work, he’s going to have to give at least a little in that regard.

It just might be interesting to watch him crack.



The club is silent as I walk through the halls, heading for the double doors that lead into the quiet room. There’s a woman in front of it, wearing shorts and a shirt that leaves nothing to the imagination. Her blue eyes are blank as she gives me a nod and a smile. She hands me a glass of whiskey, already used to my order, and then she leaves.

I’ve been coming to this place for more than five years. Secrecy is key among the members. It’s an underground club where men can come and fulfill their debased desires without judgment. Men with something to hide. I’m not sure who half the other members are, and frankly, I don’t care. I started coming here to get some peace and quiet. Plus, it afforded me time to hang out with one of the few people in the world, apart from my family, that I have any sort of regard for.

Cool green eyes that had been locked onto a phone lift to stare at me. Khalil offers me a small smile as I take the seat opposite him. There’s a tumbler filled with ice, a champagne bottle, and a glass on the table between us. He got started without me.

“You’re late,” he says or rather accuses because punctuality is of the utmost importance to him.