He nods in agreement. “Alright. We met at La Vie. Then what happened?”

“Um… you were so dazzled by my beautiful face that you asked me out on a date?”

His expression is bland as he stares at me. “Doubtful. You don’t know me, Ms. Bianchi, but trust me, that wouldn’t be the case.”

“What are you suggesting, then?”

He leans closer, his eyes still neutral, thoughtful. “You approached me because you’ve always wanted to meet me. After all the years of hearing about me and my family, you were curious. We had a conversation, there were sparks, but we didn’t see each other again until a few days later.”

I make a face but when his eyes meet mine, daring me to provide an alternate option, my mouth clamps shut. “Alright. So we met up a few days later and started dating?”

Carlo shakes his head. “No, if this thing is going to work, we can’t have been dating for more than two weeks. I thought it over last night.”

“What? Why?”

His eyes trail over my face, and he takes his sweet time answering the question. “Because I was involved with someone else around that time.”

“Oh,” I mutter. I don’t know why I’m so surprised. Of course, he’s allowed to have been in a relationship. I just never considered it. Plus, he seems so closed-off, I guess I can’t imagine him dating anybody. “Alright. I’m just a little worried. My parents are supposed to believe this thing between us is real and serious, even though we’ve only known each other for a few weeks.”

“They’ll believe it.”

“Really? Because for some reason, my dad’s already really suspicious. Which brings us to my next question,” I state. “Why are you doing this?”

He shrugs. “There’s no reason. I’m doing this out of the kindness of my heart, Ms. Bianchi.”

“Ha-ha, very funny.”

His blank expression doesn’t flicker as he finally answers. “I need something from your father. My brother and I have been trying to procure a building from him. But he’s saying he’ll only give it to his son-in-law as a wedding gift.”

“The building in Bayside?” I say warily, remembering earlier conversations with my dad over it. Carlo nods.

It’s a pretty big building, in a really good neighborhood. My dad has mentioned his plans with the building to me before but I’ve never really thought about it. I guess it makes sense that they’d want it, but my dad can be pretty stubborn. Once he decides on something, it’s almost impossible to change his mind.

“Alright, your reason checks out. One tiny chink in your plan, though—there’s no way I’m walking down the aisle and actually making you his son-in-law.”

A smile flickers over his mouth. “Don’t worry, Ms. Bianchi. All you have to do is act like my loving girlfriend. I’ll take care of the rest.”

I’m not sure what exactly he plans to do. But I have a feeling with him, the less I know, the better.

“Fine. I guess we’re doing this. Also, it’s Tori. T-O-R-I, Tori,” I remind him, slightly exasperated.

He rolls his eyes. “We need a formal agreement.”

“Like a written contract with regard to our fake relationship?” I ask. He nods once and I huff. “Is that really necessary?”

Carlo arches an eyebrow. “I never make a deal without carefully laying everything out.”

“We can do that. But a written contract is overkill. We’re starting a fake relationship, you’re not recruiting me into the mafia.”

His cool gaze flicks over my face. “Definitely not.”

“Let’s just lay out the rules. First, one has to cover physical contact,” I start, feeling my cheeks heat. “We’ll have to touch a lot and maybe a kiss or two.”

“A kiss or two,” Carlo repeats blandly, although his brown eyes flicker in amusement.

“Yes. There will absolutely be no sex,” I say firmly.

“Don’t worry, Ms. Bianchi. I have no interest in sleeping with you.”