“Good. Look forward to seeing you, brother,” Kieran added.
“You too,” I answered.
He ended the call first.
* * *
I took Irina back to Boston the next morning. We didn’t bother with safehouses when we returned. They were no longer necessary since the Kozlovs already knew we had her. Instead, I brought her straight to my town home on Shawmut Ave, the Murphy stronghold. My brothers and sister lived along the same block, keeping us all close together and pooling our resources and power into a single area. Much of Southie was under our control, but that was where we were at our strongest.
Irina even went along with me like a good girl, albeit with a few sassy comments along the way that earned her a firm smack on the bottom, but that only made her smile grow wider. Her playful nature was endearing, and I found myself gravitating towards it more and more.
We spent the next week together in my home. My brother Kieran stopped in and checked on us a few times, but I was unwilling to leave Irina unprotected when the Kozlov threat was still ongoing, nor was I willing to put her at risk by taking her out in public where she might be spotted by the Kozlovs or any of their many informants.
To her credit, Irina took this limitation in stride, earning several good girl fuckings along the way. I only needed to spank her once when she got a little pouty about missing a family gathering at Murphy’s Grill and Pub. Instead of going myself, I called Kieran and told him I’d check in with him the next day, then I spent the rest of the night with my sweet, sore-bottomed little girl watching a movie and eating her delicious little pussy until she screamed for mercy before I put her to bed.
Family business continued as usual, just without me at the head of my usual role. Instead, my siblings picked up the slack and filled in for me.
For a while, the Kozlovs retreated into the shadows, much like a startled deer darting away into the woods after an unexpected disturbance. I had assumed it was because of my sister’s failed kidnapping. From her intel, I’d found out that Anton had taken a bullet straight through the center of his right hand, making his trigger finger completely useless. Shane had been the one to take the shot, which made me like him a little bit more. It explained why Anton had run off with his tail between his legs, at least for a little while.
Knowing Shane had taken his revenge with that single bullet quieted my rage against the Russian heir temporarily. I didn’t actively engage with him or search him out in any capacity, though. I wasn’t sure I could control myself if I did. As much as I hated the bastard, I recognized that going after him could potentially start a blood feud between our families, and that just wasn’t something I was willing to risk, especially now that I had Irina at my side.
During those few weeks, we operated under the assumption that Roman Kozlov had quieted his son, or Anton had at least given up on Irina. But there was no way to tell for certain, at least not until we got a call from Anastasia Kozlov, Anton’s younger sister, out of the blue.
I’m not sure how she did it, but she got Caden’s personal cell number. Connor was with him at the time, and an emergency family meeting was called. I wasn’t able to phone in this time, so I relied on our consigliere Liam to ensure that Irina remained safe. When she opened her mouth to protest, I shook my head.
“You need to stay here, princess. This is not up for discussion,” I scolded her lightly.
“But, Daddy,” she whined.
“Don’t push, babygirl. I’ll only warn you once,” I chastised.
Her lip protruded in the most adorable pout, and I pulled her into my arms, lightly pressing my lips against her forehead in a soft kiss.
“Be a good girl for Liam. I’ll be back in a couple of hours,” I said, more softly now.
“I will, Daddy,” she whispered, and I used a single finger to lift her chin. With a gentle kiss, I said my goodbyes and made my way down to Murphy’s. We’d closed the pub for the night for a family meeting between the six of us.
When I arrived, I barely acknowledged the “Closed for a Private Event” sign on the door before I walked through it, knowing my family was already inside waiting. Immediately, I noted that there were more people than I expected, namely Shane Kavanagh and Maxim Morozov.
I dipped my head in respect to the latter and surveyed the former with a cold look. Ada rolled her eyes in my direction and sat back with a huff.
“Heel, boy, put your hackles down,” she scoffed, and I snorted in response. I was just looking out for her. After all, that’s what brothers were for.
Kieran cleared his throat, leveling me with a look. I winked, and he shook his head, his lips barely turning up in an almost indiscernible smirk.
“Welcome Shane to the family, Aidan. Ada’s getting married,” Kieran announced.
I’d been so caught up in Irina that I hadn’t noticed the massive rock on her finger until this exact moment, and I nodded slowly. “Welcome,” I said, walking behind the bar and pouring myself three fingers of my favorite whiskey, Tullamore Dew.
“You’ve got good taste,” Shane replied, taking my judgmental look in stride and raising a glass of amber liquid in my direction.
“My favorite,” I replied with a grin.
“Mine too,” he added.
“He’s been good to you then, Ada?”
“Yes, Aidan,” Ada replied, placating me.