Page 31 of Watch Me, Daddy

For what seemed like an eternity, his hand branded my naked backside. I suffered at the edges of pleasure and pain, not knowing which held more power. My scalded ass burned under the searing mark of his palm, and a stark realization hit me.

The spanking was only going to stop when he decided it should. No amount of begging or pleading was going to end this before he thought it should end.

My eyes watered and I squeezed them shut. I was on the verge of tears, and I helplessly wondered how much longer this spanking was going to last.

I realized it didn’t matter. For some inexplicable reason, I trusted Aidan, and I knew instinctually that he wouldn’t give me more than I could take. If he wanted me to cry, that was his decision.

I started to sink into my surrender, and it was beautiful.

“Please fuck me, Daddy,” I whimpered, my voice revealing every ounce of emotion that was billowing through me. It trembled with a mixture of vulnerability and desire, a subtle quiver betraying the submission that echoed within me.

Aidan spanked my ass hard several more times before he paused and rested his ruthless palm against my burning flesh. I welcomed the gentle feel of it, knowing it could be hard as steel, or soft and tender.

I loved both.

For a long moment, I just breathed, languishing in the blazing burn that encapsulated my backside before I focused on the molten heat between my thighs.

I wasn’t just a little wet. I was absolutely soaked.

My mind and my body were in juxtaposition, a crisis of need that battled for supremacy, and I didn’t know which one would win. As if my body wanted to rub it in, a single drop of arousal careened down my inner thigh. The cool chill that followed that single droplet made me shiver with need.

“Your ass is even more perfect bright red,” he drawled, and my breath hitched in the back of my throat. His voice held me hypnotized, and I wavered back and forth with losing my dignified composure.

His presence enveloped me like a heady, intoxicating haze, each breath I took saturated with the essence of him. The scent of his cologne mingled with the subtle undertones of his natural musk created an irresistible cocktail that had me feeling as if I were drunk off his essence. His touch, both soft and deliberate, sent shivers cascading down my spine. It was as if his very being held the power to unearth every hidden facet of my desires, igniting a wildfire of sensations that left me teetering on the edge of something thrilling and unknown.

His fingertips trailed across my scalded flesh, exploring me inch by inch until he had his fill. His fingers dipped lower, cascading across the lower curve of my bottom, and lingering against the outer fringes of my thighs. When his touch drew dangerously close to the juncture in between my legs, I gasped, long past my ability to keep myself quiet.


I wasn’t begging him to stop anymore. I was begging him to fuck me with every fiber of my being. I arched my back and lifted my burning bottom, seeking out his touch as he lazily surveyed my flesh with his fingertips.

“Tell me what you need, princess,” he commanded.

“I need your cock, Daddy,” I whispered, the heat unmistakable in my words.

Every inch of my body seemed to pulse with an unquenchable fire, desire coursing through my veins like liquid heat. Molten sensation spread from my core. My skin felt electrified, each nerve ending ablaze with a yearning that seemed to intensify with every passing second. My blood boiled with powerful desire, as if a fuse had ignited and set off an inferno of need that consumed me.

“It’s time Daddy gave you what you truly need, babygirl.”



Time seemed to stretch into an eternity as I held my breath, every fiber of my being attuned to Aidan’s slightest movement. My heart pounded in rhythm with the unspoken anticipation that hung in the air, each heartbeat echoing the yearning that pulsed within me.

You’re going to get that needy little pussy fucked good and hard.

Each second felt like an eternity, a suspended moment of exquisite torture as I held my breath, my entire existence focused on the promise that lingered between us. It was as if the universe had paused, aligning itself with the desires that reverberated between us, and in that breathless interval, I could feel the imminent collision coming between us.

Deep down, I knew it was going to be glorious.

With a deliberate, gentle tenderness, Aidan’s grip on my wrists loosened, releasing me from his firm hold. Slowly, almost reverently, he guided me to turn, his touch leading me like a dance partner. As I faced him, our gazes locked, and in that fleeting moment, it was as if the world had fallen away, leaving only the two of us suspended in a universe of shared desire.

With a feather-light touch, he slipped a single finger beneath my chin and lifted my gaze to meet his, the intensity of his eyes capturing me in a hypnotic trance. Without needing to say anything at all, his lips brushed against mine in a soft, lingering kiss. It was a stark contrast to his earlier kiss, a delicate exploration of my lips that left me breathless and yearning for more even as my heart raced with anxious anticipation for what was to come.

He didn’t leave me waiting for long.

My breath caught in my throat as I watched him. His fingers deftly unbuckled his belt, the soft metallic jingle echoing in the air like an unspoken promise. Unhurriedly, he unfastened the button of his slacks, and the fabric fell away to reveal the tantalizing hint of taut muscles beneath. The air seemed to thicken with a heady anticipation, my heart pounding in rhythm with the deliberate unveiling of his form.